What the Prostate? Let’s Talk About Prostate Health

Featured Image Credit: Bing

So, you might be wondering. Where in the heck is this coming from? Well, I’m the type of writer that when things interest me, move me or make me think – I have to write about it. I mean, it’s just how I’m wired up I guess.

This topic came about when I went to my sister’s house last weekend and while she was out, I and my brother-in-law talked it up and in doing so, he mentioned that he got a prostate screening. Huh?, I said – in my mind, I was like, isn’t that for 50 yr olds? My brother-in-law literally just turned 40 this year. I wondered what made him get such a test and why now? I was a little confused…

Park & Recreation – Donna

It was then that he went on to elaborate that a friend of his sent him the information. Seemingly, they were having free prostate exam screenings. His friend went and got tested and was just passing along the information to all the men he knew to get tested as well. My brother-in-law was hesitant but it was free, so he thought he’d go.

Of course, my brother-in-law was a little nervous and scared as he didn’t know what to expect and I’m sure at that point, he had no clue as to what he’d gotten himself into. Once the wait was over and he got into the doctor’s office, he was asked a few more questions and then, was asked to take off his pants from the waist down, turn around on the bed, standing up straight, he was asked to lean over on the bed with his elbows lifted. The doctor proceeded to give him some tissue in which at this time, my brother-in-law was thinking the doctor was being considerate to the sniffling he was doing prior to the exam, Oh that was NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, my brother-in-law couldn’t get out the next words because before he knew it, he was being probed with a finger up his butt or gluteus maximus for my fancy folks…lol.

Cancer Screening – iStockMovember2011

Less than 5 min, it was over. My brother-in-law not fathom what had just happened felt weird, icky and just wanted to run to the nearest shower he possibly could. And, no – the tissue wasn’t for the sniffles but so he could “clean up” afterward.

Now I know that whole story was a little uncomfortable for most to sit and read. However, it sparked me to write so I can inform our men, brothers, nephews, cousins, fathers and husbands of the uneasy but yet informal things we should all know about. They say men have to be at least 50 yrs old before a prostate exam, just like they say women have to be 40 yrs old to get a mammogram. Those statistics are a little off as our diets, family heredity, environmental hazards and etc have put men and women as well at risk for such diseases at increasingly younger ages than expected.

Men, in general, are the HARDEST people on earth to drag to the doctor. I don’t know what it is, but they just won’t go. I think it’s the perception of “If I don’t go, I won’t know” and that’s great with them. I also think they believe that if they go, the doc may find something that they just don’t want to face. I truly understand that, believe me. However, stage 4 of something can most times be incurable as opposed to early detection and stage 1, which can increase the odds of living and beating a disease.

So, what is the Prostate?
Image Credit: Bing

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the penis. The prostate is just in front of the rectum. The urethra runs through the center of the prostate, from the bladder to the penis, letting urine flow out of the body. The prostate can get larger with age, primarily in men over age 50.

The Effects of the Prostate?
Image Credit: Bing

The prostate is responsible for producing prostatic fluid, which is full of enzymes, proteins, and minerals that are vital for the proper functioning of sperm.

Why Men Need to get checked for this important screening?
Image Credit: Bing

Men have to get tested in order to decrease their chances of getting prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in regards to men. The good news is that prostate cancer if detected grows increasingly slow that is as long as it’s attached to the prostate gland. Most prostate cancers do grow slowly, however, some are very aggressive and can spread like a wildfire if untreated. And how will you know this? Early detection of course! For what the symptoms are, you can visit The Mayo Clinic

Things to do and eat to keep that Prostate Healthy?

Exercise! Of course, physical activity is always best in any case, however continuous cycling is not a recommendation and if you are going too, then WebMD suggests a “prostate-friendly saddle” to keep your most important part, out of harm’s way.

So, what should your diet consist of? Well, Health Central suggests the following:

  • Tomatoes, Broccoli
  • Legumes (beans, lentils), Fish
  • Sesame Seeds, Bell Peppers
  • Avocados, Beans, Garlic

Of course, a healthy diet is “key” to any health risk decrease. If you add more of the items listed to your everyday meals, then you’ll be on your way to not only having a healthy prostate but overall health in general.

Become knowledgeable about certain risks and take advantage of your health care benefits by visiting a doctor once a year for a full physical. What’s not that important to you now, could be detrimental to you later.

Early detection is the best detection! Your future body will thank you later.

Oh, and P.S. My brother-in-laws test came back negative! To God be the glory for that!

Image Credit: Bing

Check with your local hospital or doctor’s office to find out if they know of free screenings in your area or if you have a regular doctor, let them know your questions and/or concerns in regards to your prostate health!

The winner of Jacqueline Pirtle’s new book “Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops” will be announced next Thursday, October 31st! No tricks, but all treats!! Have you entered the contest?

ISSA Giveaway: How About A Book & Some Lollipops!!

Featured Image Credit: Roshonda – B Creative

So, this post will be very short – don’t blink or you’ll miss it!!

Image Credit: Riverdale/Archie

Last week I did a book review for Jacqueline Pirtle‘s new book ‘Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops’ – Did you read it? Well, if not you might want too!

As the title states, I’m having a GIVEAWAY!! or I guess I should say Jacqueline, the author of ‘Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops’ is giving away a signed copy of her new book, the book that just came out last month, a book that is flying off the shelves, just as her first book ‘365 Days of Happiness’ did!

And guess what, you get to have your very own copy! Andddd, to make this deal even sweeter, Jacqueline is going to not only mail you the book but you’re going to get a bag of lollipops to go with it, HOW. COOL. IS. THAT!! (Those dots are me clapping, lol)

Too cool, right?? So, if you want a copy – this is what you have to do! You know there are rules and stipulations…he hehe…

Okay, here are the rules. First things first…
  1. You MUST like and leave a comment on last week’s post >>> Here You Go!!
  2. Follow Jacqueline on IG >> Here You Go!! and/or FB >> Here You Go!!
  3. Leave a comment under this >> > post – after your comment use the hashtag #lollipoplollipop @justsuminspiration2u

And THAT’S IT!! Easy Right?? – You must follow all the steps in order to win! If you follow Jacqueline on FB, please put #lollipoplollipop @roshondabcreates after your comment. I think FB will alert me to my name being used.

There will be “one” winner and names will be picked at random. The deadline to do this is October 22nd by noon!

Remember you have to use the hashtag #lollipoplollipop and @justsuminspiration2u for IG or @roshondabcreates for FB, in order for me to know you did it!

Oh and P.S. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only, due to mailing procedures but hey, even if you’re not in the states, still show Jacqueline some love!

I can’t wait to pick a winner! – Will it be YOU???

Talk Soon! & Good Luck!!

Book Review: First Came Happiness, Then Comes Lollipops! Jacqueline Pirtle’s New Book Offers Up, Parenting Skills Using A Tasty Treat!

Featured Picture: Jacqueline Pirtle/Roshonda – B Creative

Disclosure: This book was gifted to me by Jacqueline’s publishing company in exchange for my honest review. All views concerning this book are 100% my own and not of anyone else’s.

I must say when I read the title of Jacqueline Pirtle’s new book ‘Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops’ I was a little taken back as I had no clue what the analogy behind the title truly meant. I mean, who doesn’t love lollipops! I definitely do….but as Jackie stated in her book, “She’s a little sneaky and she knows it!”


Just as in her bestselling book “365 Days of Happiness,” Jacqueline is ALL about us feeling, sensing, smelling and tasting the things around us, whether they be objects such as a lollipop or breathing in the glorious air. Everything has an energy attached to it; we just have to open our arms, minds, and hearts to be aware of it.

This is how Jacqueline wants you to be when thinking about that lollipop and the meaning behind, I’m calling it first “her next bestseller”

“Lollipops have this incredible power to shift us to BE and live in a frequency of magic – because that is the energy they carry and the frequency they vibrate in.” Jacqueline Pirtle, Author – Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops

Do you have a bag of lollipops? Because these little, yet powerful rounds of candy on a stick is what Jacqueline recommends you take with you into a “family disagreement” or a tug of war battle between the kids. Give everyone a sucker, allow them to lick on it a couple of rounds and then – not at one time, talk it out. I would have NEVER in a million years thought to take a lollipop into a disagreement with my hormonal daughter or overzealous son, but it’s something I’m definitely going to try the next go-round!

So, the cats out the bag. Now that you know a little about that sneaky title, grab your lollipops and let’s dig into this parenting thing, if you’re like me, I’m sure you can use a self-help guide to give you some pointers about parenting (ESPECIALLY TEENAGERS!), yesssss…that’s my life right now.

Image: Bing

Even if you don’t have teenagers and you have little ones who are a year old, just starting school or even if they’re adults. Jacqueline has a chapter for it – even if you don’t have a child yet. The practices she teaches are from her own experience of being a Professor of Pirtle University (a university where she gained knowledge and lollipops from teaching her own kids).

I found Jacqueline’s book quite interesting as it’s not a book filled with “me” time locations and ideas for parents, whom are at their wits ends with their kids. However, it’s a book about parents actually listening and feeling the energy of their own child and giving them a space to be anxious and creative, while giving them a voice to be heard. This, in turn, takes the anxiety off of the parent and allows the children to just “BE” themselves.

“Let your children know, whether born or unborn that they too are wonderful and magnificent just as they are. Let them know that they are here in this life to “BE” themselves – nothing else.” Jacqueline Pirtle, Author – Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops

For instance and what I found to be greatly profound is when Jacqueline stated “That does not Matter!” what she meant by that? She meant; put an expiration date on what did or didn’t, should or shouldn’t have happened in your own childhood and focus on making “new and profound” memories with your children.

It’s so easy to think about our not so good childhood, I mean come’ on none of us if we’re truthful about it, had a perfect childhood – that just doesn’t exist. What Jacqueline is saying is to basically forget about it, you were given a second chance to make and do things right with your children and THAT should be the main focus, not what didn’t go right but what we as parents can do to make things better.

As she said it best —

Let is all go like old dirt blows off a car when driven forward with speed. Leave a BIG BLACK TIRE MARK that says ENOUGHHHH!!! Let it ALLLLL GOOOOOOOO!!!

Me Letting the Past Goooo…..Leaving Tire Marks!

Parenting through the eyes of Lollipops also encourages “chatting” – not the silent chat or chatter you have with your child about random things, but a chat ALOUD about EVERYTHING and making this a common practice in your and your child’s everyday life. So, if they want to talk to the air, the sun, the moon, the sky the plants or even the sidewalk – Just let them “BE!” By allowing your children the freedom to speak verbally to everything, it not only builds communication skills in my book but according to Jackie who’s also an energy healer – these things are energy, an energy that carries information and knowledge. Cool right?

Another thing that’s encouraged is the inability to quit saying “No” – I mean don’t get me wrong, “No” is good in its respective place but when your child asks can they do something, think about what they’re asking – if it’s not invoking harm, then say YES!

I have to admit, when my children were younger I said NO to everything – “Mom, can we go outside to play?” No! “Mom, can such and such come over?” No!!! “Mom, can we play water gun fight in the house? OH NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! And all of that was for good reason because I either didn’t want to go outside, felt like my house wasn’t good enough for their school friend to come over OR I definitely didn’t feel like cleaning or slipping on water….Hello!!! So, their asking was always a HUGE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

Image Credit: Bing

However, Parenting through the eyes of Lollipops showed me that I was actually closing off my children’s creativity mode. Per Jacqueline’s book, she states that when children have ideas even when they are eyebrow lifting….find a solution to make the idea safe and make it work so the kids can still experience the importance of their idea. Our No’s are garnered by us either not wanting to do it or as Jacqueline stated, it comes from our own old beliefs and recordings of maybe when we were told no a lot as a child.

Jacqueline’s book offers 3 Pillars to Good Parenting and that’s:

  • The Harmonious Dance
  • It Is Never The Child
  • The Love Cycle of Parenthood

In each pillar Jacqueline discusses the importance of the parent becoming the student and the child becomes the teacher. There’s a lot we can learn from our children, they can teach us so many things only if we allow them to “BE” themselves and listen to them. In some respect, it’s not about having the power over them but allowing us to let go (when necessary) and allow them to be the soul beings they were created to be.

Jacqueline’s book “Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops” is another sweet, satisfying and soulful read by the author who challenges us all to think, feel, taste and smell the world around us. Whether you’re thinking about having kids or already raising some of your own, Jacqueline’s imagery of it all is well worth the read. Challenge yourself today to FEEL, TOUCH, SMELL, BREATHE & TASTE everything around you – including a Lollipop, in which as we’ve discovered is more than just a round sticky ball on top of a stick, it’s an energy piece that’s waiting to be explored, especially with your children…

I didn’t even touch all the greatness this book has to offer especially the chapters “Tweenhood & Teen hood” I couldn’t wait to get to this chapter…lol, “Feeling Good as My Highest Priority” & “Food Stories” but hey, that’s for good reason, I want you to grab a copy for yourself!! and oh by the way? Make sure you pick up a bag of lollipops as you read it! Jacqueline’s orders =)

Andd, this is not a wrap for this post – I’ll have an announcement soon, so be on the lookout!

Jacqueline Pirtle’s latest book ‘Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops’ was released in September 2019 and is available right now for sale on Amazon! Readers can connect with Jacqueline on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads. To learn more, go to http://www.freakyhealer.com

It’s Fall, So Are You Doing These 5 Things To Prepare?

Featured photo by Roshonda – B Creative

Yes, Yes, Yes – It’s Officially October, time for pumpkins, Halloween and time changes! Are you ready to FALL back? Soon we’ll be gaining an hour and sipping everything from Spiced Apple Cider to Pumpkin something. I mean they come out with some new way to put pumpkin in your drink and food every year, right? Ah-hum..”Hence the Pic below”

Yes, this reallyyyyy does exist! – Read it here! (After you’ve read this post that is, wink =)

It seems like Starbucks jumped the gun by offering PSL (Pumpkin Spiced Latte’s) on August 27th!!!! Okay, Starbucks??? We see you!! However, to get a PSL during that time seemed a little off-season (literally) I mean, we were still suffering through the heat of the summer and the sound of a PSL didn’t feel like fall to me. While Starbucks broke the trending record that day, I personally like to drink “Pumpkin Spiced” anything during the “actual” time for it. (I know, I can be a weirdo about certain things, but I digress)

Anywho, while we “truly” prepare for fall which also includes the cutting of a delicious turkey and bringing down the Christmas tree…..Okay, I’m pushing it but this year has already pushed itself out the door already!! One more blink of an eye and we’ll be in……..2020!! Okayyyyy, hold your horses Ro!, sorry = ( didn’t mean to take ya that fast, so, let’s back up and enjoy this blissful fall and all the pumpkin things it brings, deal?

Now that we’re officially two weeks and some change into fall, there’s a lot of switch-a-roo’s that’ll be going on; such as switching out short sleeves for long sleeves and sandals for boots! So, let’s get into the 5 things that you need to be doing NOW in order to be TRULY, FALL READY!

1. longer sleeves – oh YES!, OH no?

Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels

Yesss now’s the time to put up all the summer wear (if you haven’t already, most people start early) in which I’m a very late bloomer when it comes to this. I hate covering up! I’ll milk the short sleeves and sandals until my arms and feet can’t take it anymore and I absolutely hate big, overly huge coats. Just give me a scarf, gloves, hat and a very light jacket and I’m good. But now’s the time to pull out those long johns (does anybody say that anymore?) and long sleeves. It’s also the time to purchase a scarf, hat, gloves, and earmuffs. If you’re like me, I have to buy a pair every year.

2. Replace the batteries in the Smoke Detectors!

Photo Credit: Bing

This is the time of year where smoke alarms are not in the best of use, especially around the holidays. Unchecked batteries won’t’ be much help to a smoke detector or even a carbon monoxide detector if something should happen (God Forbid!) but it’s best to get them checked out every season. Have you heard any beeping noises lately? Check it out and make sure your batteries are good and give it a quick push of the button just to make sure it’s working. Better safe than sorry, eh…

3. Any plans for the New Year?

Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels

I know we’re a couple of months away and NO ONE wants to think about this now but hey, Fall’s the PERFECT time to plan out what goals you want to accomplish in the upcoming year. “Did you complete the goals you started out with this year?”” Where were your pitfalls?” “What is it that you need to do to make sure you stick to it next time around.” “Did you set the bar too high to reach?” Right now is the time to think about what you want to do going forward. Short steady goals ensure you complete them on time.

4. The Best time of year to work out!

Photo by Luis Quintero from Pexels

I believe the fall/winter is the bestest time to workout. It’s not too hot to go outside for a walk or run and since its fall/almost winter. It’s also the best time to work on your skincare and nutrition routine. I always say, you know what people do in the winter when you see them in the summer. You’ll know if they’ve been taking care of their skin, body and etc. While you’re in hibernation, use this time to work on that health, skin and summer body…now’s the time. (I’m definitely going to be getting some workout time in ; )

5. TRY SOMETHING NEW for a change!

Photo Credit: Bing

Let’s face it, fall is the time of year where all types of parties are going on. From Halloween all the way to Christmas, someone’s going to be throwing a party or there’s going to be some type of event going on, I mean “Tis the Season?” literally! So, while you’re scheduling your party plans, whether to throw one yourself or attend one. Add, doing something NEW to the list! Maybe a new recipe (if you need a little pumpkin inspiration, for the whole month of October 2017 I cooked up a different “pumpkin” inspired recipe! – Just put pumpkin in the search engine to check them all out and let me know if you do one!), hair-do (Gosh knows I do this one regularly) or whatever you want to try!

Why wait until the new year to make a resolution or try something new for yourself. Time is of the essence and as we all know, it waits on NO ONE! At least not the last time I checked, that is. So join me in saying YES! before 2020! You’re worth it and hey, you only live once right? I mean it’s okay to have a little fun, in retrospect that is…lol.

So there you have it, That’s my FAB 5 things you should be doing to prepare for the Fall or I guess I should say, that you should be doing NOW that fall is already here…

What about you? Do you have any other suggestions for fall preparation? Let me know in the comments!

Well, That Was Fun! – Is Summertime OFFICIALLY Over Already?…

Hey, Y’all! I Love saying that – it makes me sound so southern, in which I truly am! Arkansas born and bred, I Ain’t shame of it…lol.

The State of Arkansas Home of the Razorbacks

Anywho, welllllll…. Has summer come to an end already? In a couple of months, we’re going to be shouting Happy New Year – 2020!! Like Literally, my co-worker tells me all the time that the year’s speediness is my fault because when February came in, I honestly was wishing that the month would go by SUPER fast. I had just found a new dig and I was ready to MOVEEEEEEEE, I talk about that in a series of blog posts – you can catch up here, here and HERE! Just in case you missed it.

However, it seems like ever since I asked God for the time to SPEED by so I can get on with my moving on and upward. I must’ve sparked something in the Universe and BLINK! Here we are in September, going into October NEXT WEEK!!! Oh Gosh, please Universe – make it STOP!

Oh Well, I don’t know if that will happen, but I can say that this summer while it went away quickly. I did get some things accomplished and that’s what I want to talk about.

Before you ask, No – I didn’t travel to any elaborate locations with some girlfriends and chilled. Although, that does sound nice and I would love to do that someday. Once I get enough girlfriends to take that trip that is…lol. I came into this year saying that I wanted to travel to Russia and Africa – well, that never happened and from the looks of things, it won’t at this point. BUTTTTT, while that won’t be happening, I got this sensation in me to start saying YESSSSS to quite a bit of things…I’ll get into that shortly.

In the meantime, I didn’t expect to come into this year with the hope of starting a business. It just happened and when it did, I was ALLLLLL in! I created the Website, The FB Business Page and even the IG page for it, next I began working on content. What was this BUSINESS going to be about, what did I want to talk about? I have to be honest – when I first started the FB page, it was ALL about me and my services and etc., somewhat…. You can say maybe 80% was about me and 20% was about business tips for what I like to call “The Business Parent” and etc. I like doing research – at least on things that I’m really interested in knowing more about and I found out that I was doing it ALL wrong, I should have been talking about other things 80% of the time and only displaying my services 20% of the time.

This is a tip for the new and/or seasoned business parents, especially if you have a business page and/or advertising your brand. Think about you less (20%) and what else you can offer your clients more of (80%). Is there anything they need to know? Because people hate when things are constantly being pushed on them in a “salesy” way…. I’m one of them!

You can thank me later for that…. lol

Soooooooo, outside of starting the bizness – what comes next? Of course, business photos!! I said I wanted to take some, but people were super expensive, and I knew the selfies weren’t going to keep cutting it. Thank God for social media, a friend of mine got some family pics done and the guy that did her family pics had a $20 for 15 min special going on, you already know what I did… Yep!! – I JUMPED ALL ON IT!! I mean, for 20 bucks, I couldn’t pass it up – and here are the results of that…

What you think! I thought he did a fantastic job and I’ve already used them in a couple of mockups to promote my biz – check this out…

Let this be a lesson, you can do ANYTHING with photos, especially when it comes to creating content for your business. Okay, soooo another venture I tried over the summer – well, sort after the summer. Is going REDDDDDD…. I always wanted to be a redhead, so much so until when my beautician years ago would perm my hair, I always asked for a red rinse to be put in. I loved it so much until I got the idea to just turn my WHOLE head red, can someone say..

It truly was, I should have let a professional do it. As a matter of fact, here’s another lesson. If your hair is “weak” and/or “thin” please don’t put color on top of it. The color is already strong and even stronger depending on the color you get. It’s a chemical that will strip your hair as it is and if your hair is already “On the Weak Side of the Road” – You ain’t gonna have no HAIR!

I don’t have a picture for it now but Day 1 my hair was good, by Day 5 my hair was GONE!

All my precious hair (what I did have) shed away, I finally had to get it all cut off. I vowed that I would NEVER use color again on my hair (because I loved color and loved trying different shades) The women on those color care boxes are not created equal and its no telling WHO, WHAT or HOW long it took them to get their hair to the desired color they wanted. Plus, I’m sure they had a professional stylist…

So, if I can’t color my hair – Why not get some hair with the color in it and VIOLA! Here are the results…

To say I love this, would definitely be an understatement but I LOVE IT!!! Do You Like It??

On top of that, I got some new glasses (A Pair by Karl Lagerfeld (left) & One by a brand entitled Colours (right) I had a dark blue pair by Colours, I love their glasses, their unique and they tend to fit my personality, wish they had a white pair. Love these babies!

Well, outside of celebrating my daughters 15th birthday (Man time is flying) She’ll be out of school in TWO YEARS!! And she’s already talking about driving and getting a license and working and starting a baby and dog care business, in which I created a flyer and she’s been passing out all over our neighborhood and everywhere she goes outside of bugging me about taking her to swap shops to see if she could sell some clothing items, books, and other things. SMH, she’s a littlepreneur in the making – see below.

First comes driving and the next thing you know, we’ll be talking about a CAR! Can she go back to being a kindergartner? Geeshhhhhh!! But she’s my baby girl and I Love Her!!

Well, that was my summer and it was other stuff in between, like not having air conditioning for a FULL MONTH! But that’s another story for another time. Meanwhile, I’m looking forward to saying YES!!! Not to the Dress, at least not now – I’m praying though…. that’ll definitely be a BIG Blog Post to share!

Buttttt, I’m saying YES! before 2020 rolls in like “Gone With The Wind” to outings and doing more things. I realized outside of being in the house over the summer and taking care of bills, kids and starting up a smallbiz. I really don’t get out much…, like not ever – now that I think about it.

So, instead of starting off the year with a new year’s resolution of saying YES (Anyone see the movie “Yes, Man” by Jim Carrey? Now, I’m not nieve’ and realize that the events that happened to him in the movie, don’t quite happen in real life. I mean – that’s why they call it Hollywood, people. However, this journey is just to get out of my comfort zone a little and meet and/or do things, OUTSIDE of the house. It’s me not thinking about doing it but actually putting the thought to action! So, I thought I’d start the month of October doing so and when I do, I’m going to BLOG about it. Hey, I gotta keep myself accountable! Will you go on the Journey of YES with me?

Well, Folks that it! That was my summer in a nutshell – Now onto Fall and Pumpkins and Spice and Everything Nice and to me saying…

Movie: Jim Carrey – Yes, Man (2008)

Happy Fall! See Ya Soon!