Jacqueline Pirtle Talks Every Thing WOMAN from Pooping to Living in her latest book entitled “What it Mean to Be A Woman & Yes, Women Do POOP!”

Disclosure: This book was gifted to me by Jacqueline Pirtle’s publishing company in exchange for my honest review. All views concerning this book are 100% my own.

I can always count on Jacqueline Pirtle‘s books to make me laugh, think differently, and get my energy aligned right. I have to say her latest book, “What It Means to Be A Woman,” made me laugh in the beginning. I was so glad that she put the Poop talk in the front because I had to hear her thoughts on this, even though I already knew somewhat about what she was referring too.

It took me back down memory lane to a relationship I was in at the time. While he was forgettable, the question he asked me was not. To this day I still think about what he said…

Do you ever pass gas? He asked questionably.

I’ve never heard you do it and just want to know if you ever do? The question came out of nowhere, seeing that his comfortability with our relationship garnered him to do it every moment he felt the need to release! Being the “good, understanding” woman, I was. It was okay, I said. “You can feel comfortable around me” words, in which I regret to this day that I gave him access to do.

Check out Jacqueline Pirtle’s First Book:

365 Day of Happiness – Because Happiness is a Piece of Cake

However, I didn’t know how to respond to his question. He really caught me off guard. “Yes, I do,” I stated somewhat embarrassingly. Oh, he said. I didn’t know you did things like that.

Uh, Yes! I do. It’s always when you’re not around or sleeping or those times when I sneak away to “go look at something” moments. Sorry ladies, if I gave away your secret. When I read what Jacqueline had to say about women POOPING. I was like YESSSSS!! Finally, someone is addressing the elephant in the room. Let’s get it out there, let’s talk about it! Poop is NOT a dirty word, although I understand why people would opt out of conversations discussing it. It’s funny because I asked a former best friend one day if she did it on a regular – Poop that is. I’m so happy Jacqueline decided to talk about this, which came by way of her overhearing some ladies discussing it and how men didn’t think women did it.

To the men out there that think we don’t ever do it? Trust me, if we didn’t. There would be some weird-looking women in the world, as a matter of fact, as Jacqueline states in her book, it’s quite a healthy thing to do. The smell is not fit for the nostrils, but trust me, your pipes are praising you every time you do it regularly! So, Yes – I’m happy to POOP!

I loved that point in the book, the other chapter I loved was “What is Your Purpose in this Physical Life.”

Everything that IS in your life, the good, the bad, the ugly. It is meant for you to allow as an expansion and receive like it is the grandest gift ever.

Jacqueline Pirtle, Author

I’m a HUGE fan of Purpose. While life can throw some pretty hard lemons, I firmly believe that we’re all here for a PURPOSE. The creator didn’t create you because he was bored and had nothing better else to do. NOOOO WAY! If you are here, breathing, living, and going about this life? You, my friend, are here ON Purpose to fulfill PURPOSE.

Our life is already predestined for us in a big pretty gift box. This box not only holds ALL the good in our lives, but it also has some not-so-good moments, failed attempts, and sad times. But it’s our gift, and no matter what it contains, it’s just like Kelly Clarkson sing, “What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.” Our lives are only a testimony to help someone else who may be in the same boat.

Check out Jacqueline’s 2nd Book:

Parenting through the Eyes of Lollipops!

As Jacqueline states, each of our lives is unique and should be embraced by stating, “I love my life, I love myself, and I love what I’m doing. That last statement stands very accurately, especially on a job we dislike! I’ve said it a zillion times myself. However, I believe Jacqueline wants to convey that you’re a woman, one of the most powerful beings on the face of the planet. Own that, accept the challenges placed in front of US and RULE. After all, it’s in our being!

As always, Jacqueline doesn’t disappoint in this latest book. There are so many chapters in this book that will fit any and EVERY WOMAN. No matter your background, color, size, or status, you’re bound to find yourself somewhere amongst these beautiful chapters of love, energy, mindfulness, and yes, POOPING!

Jacqueline’s book “What it Means to Be A Woman & Yes, Women Do Poop! and all her other bestsellers are available everywhere books are sold.

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