Rejection Sucks! But Life Doesn’t Have Too.

Rejection is one of the most devastating things that anyone can deal with. As a people when we are rejected; we tend to immediately shut down from life all together, it’s almost as if someone has handed us a death sentence and sentenced us to die – right there on the spot. And if we’re not careful, we’ll carry out that sentence by killing everything that comes within our path – we’ll put a torch to our dreams, goals and aspirations with one match.

While rejection is a hard pill to swallow, it doesn’t have to be your death sentence. Let’s face it, everyone is not going to like everything we do or say, they’re not going to like everything you wear, your opinion, your thoughts on common life issues and so forth. They’re not going to like the way you look or even your personality. People have a tendency to reject the things that they aren’t familiar with or the things that they don’t understand or have knowledge of basically due to maybe how they were raised, their own rejections or how they perceive certain things; they then take that analysis and use it to belittle and/or be demeaning to others whom either don’t think, look or act like they do.

I’ve had my share of rejection in life and it hurts, it hurts really bad because basically we take rejection as saying “We’re not Good Enough” – I have been rejected from getting certain jobs and/or positions, I’ve been rejected for how I look, the way I think, my see the glass half-full mentality, the way I dress, wear my hair. I’ve even been rejected because I have a good personality and get along with a variety of people. And if I had listened to those rejectors, I wouldn’t be here today because I would have allowed them to dictate my every move, including my dreams, aspirations and future.

Just because you’ve been rejected, don’t mean you have to go through life living that way. It took me a while to get over rejection; however, I began to read the word of God – there I was able to see and read what God thought of me (He said in Psalms 139:14) that I was fearfully and wonderfully made and his works were marvelous because he CREATED ME! (think about that). I also begin to hang around positive minded people, because we really are susceptible to our environment. I realized that it wasn’t anything wrong with me, after-all; the world would be a very boring place if everyone was exactly the same – right? Why FIT IN, when you were born to STAND OUT!rejection-success

Remember these 5 tips, the next time Rejection comes a knocking at your door:

  1. Rejection is a part of Life that everyone experiences – no exceptions. 
  2. Rejection doesn’t like “Positivity” so surround yourself with positive minded people. 
  3. Rejection isn’t always “Bad”, sometimes rejection is a good thing. If you allow it, it can help us change our focus on the problem and focus on a solution.
  4. Move Forward – Rejection will happen and when it does, don’t allow it to stop you from enjoying life. Rejection is just a bump in the road; not an End to Life.
  5. Just be yourself – There’s no one in the world like you and there never will be, so make the best of who you are and give rejection a kick in the butt. Because you’re here to stay! & with that mindset? you’ll continue to be undefeated by the “R” word and it’s many tactics.

Remember, Rejection doesn’t mean you’re not good enough, it just means that you hit a bump in the road – and as long as we live and breathe; we definitely will hit many bumps and curves. Keep in mind that Rejection, while hurtful could be God’s way of saying “Wrong Direction”  If you learn to change your focus even towards rejection, you can and will change your LIFE towards how you allow “the R word” to rule it!

Don’t allow rejection to cause you to jump out of the plane without  a parachute – You have control of your own life just make sure your parachute is packed for safe landing. 

Do you have a story about Rejection and how you handled it? Tell us about it, it may just appear in a blog post (with your permission of course).


Do you need help with an area in your life, or have questions about an on-going problem you are facing?
Well, Help is on the way!

For the whole month of April, I will be posting blogs giving advice on some of the questions that I’ve been asked to talk about. They are sort of “Self-Help” tips that will hopefully get you back on track to either living the life you want to live or give you a peace of mind as you continue to travel on your journey of self-discovery.  Listed below are the topics that will be discussed during the month:

Rejection sucks, BUT Life Doesn’t Have Too.


Rejection, Unfortunately is a word that no one likes to encounter. Rejection may be a bad word, but it doesn’t have to be a death sentence. I will give you a couple of tips to endure it.

5 Things Women Must Give Up to Get The Man of Their Dreams

We all have issues, men and women alike. But if you are having trouble obtaining or keeping a relationship because of “issues” then I will give you 5 tips that maybe you are doing that’s keeping you from having a healthy relationship.



In order to gain friends, you must first be friendly. Finding a friend that you can relate too is difficult, but what if your attitude is the determining factor in you not having the friendships you so desire. I’ll share my story and give you a couple of tips that will hopefully allow you to open the door and began to let people in.

How to remain “SANE” in Singleness

Stay Sane2

Being single can sometimes be a drab, Most singles waste their good energy on trying to find Mr or Mrs. Right – someone in hopes that will complete them, but no matter how hard we try to find that “perfect mate” We must first be in a good place ourselves. I’ll give you a couple of “Do’s and Don’t s” to keep you calm in the process.

So, be on the lookout every Thursday morning in the month of April for a Self-Help Blog Post.    Please feel free to share and comment.

Because Self-Help is definitely the BEST HELP!  
If you’ve been following me on Facebook, then you’ll know for the month of January and February we were doing a study on the names of God. Well, If you missed any of it – NO WORRIES!, I have a booklet that I created for you. If you would like a copy, please send me your request to and I’ll send you a copy.
Talk Soon!
Roshonda N. Blackmon – Creator of JustsumInspiration

JustsumInspiration’s Guest Blogger Series presents: Hurting People, Hurt People. By Ashley Moss

In the words of Joyce Meyers, “Hurting people – Hurt people.” The fact of the matter is hurting people who hurt other people may not even realize that they’re hurting others, or do it purposefully. In an effort to protect themselves, they end up hurting others. In my experience, the idea of hurting people hurting others has proven to be a real thing in my life many times. I myself used to be so accustomed to heartache and pain that when new people tried to enter my life, I would push them away because I was afraid of being hurt and rejected.

Fear of Rejection can cause hurt people to  hurt others or push them away.

God has worked in my life and heart, and helped me get to the point where I can embrace new people in my life with open arms; without the fear of being afraid of getting hurt. My best friend of nearly ten years used to be the same way as well because of past experiences. The beginning of our friendship was rocky, because every time our friendship would grow deeper on a personal level, she would pull and push me away for weeks; sometimes months. This period was frustrating, but eventually we got through it and she learned to trust my loyalty to the friendship and my care for her. So, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when God spoke to me about a year ago now, and told me to assist him in healing another person’s heart. However, it did. Though I’ve been in situations before where hurting people hurt others, it’s not easier around this time with the new friend that God told me to help.

Patience and understanding is the key. Yet, on days when I feel like giving up on encouraging this new friend and trying to show them the love of Christ so that they too can help someone else, I remember an inspirational passage. The inspirational passage is

“If you try to help others, they may push you away. If you try to love them, they may reject that love. Pray for, bless, and love them anyway.”

And that’s exactly what I plan to do! I didn’t give up on myself or my best friend, and I’m not giving up on my new friend either. Because I’m a risk-taker and was once a hurting person that hurt others unintentionally, I won’t EVER stop trying to help mend broken hearts and I WON’T ever stop encouraging others to be the best versions of themselves. God often uses people to bless others. He can use me for whatever and however He wants to for the rest of my life…because I’ll never stop encouraging others. It’s my gift to the world.


Ashley Moss

Ashley Moss is the author of “Lessons I’ve Learned: A collection of Inspirational and Love Poetry” which is a downloadable e-book. Ashley loves writing and is going to school now to obtain her master’s degree in creative writing. She currently runs a blog called “Pockets full of Love” in which she posts encouraging and thought provoking messages the 15th of every month. For more information on Ashley and how to obtain her poetry e-book, you can visit her on Facebook, her blog “Pockets full of Love” or her “Ashley Moss Authors website here.

If you would like to be a part of the guest blogger series for JustsumInspiration, complete the contact form on this site or email for more info.

JustsumInspiration’s Guest Blogger Series presents: Hurting People, Hurt People. By Ashley Moss

In the words of Joyce Meyers, “Hurting people – hurt people.” The fact of the matter is hurting people who hurt other people may not even realize that they’re hurting others, or do it purposefully. In an effort to protect themselves, they end up hurting others. In my experience, the idea of hurting people hurting others has proven to be a real thing in my life many times. I myself used to be so accustomed to heartache and pain that when new people tried to enter my life, I would push them away because I was afraid of being hurt and rejected.

Fear of Rejection can cause hurt people to  hurt others or push them away.

God has worked in my life and heart and helped me get to the point where I can embrace new people in my life with open arms; without the fear of being afraid of getting hurt. My best friend of nearly ten years used to be the same way as well because of past experiences. The beginning of our friendship was rocky because every time our friendship would grow deeper on a personal level, she would pull and push me away for weeks; sometimes months. This period was frustrating, but eventually, we got through it and she learned to trust my loyalty to the friendship and my care for her. So, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when God spoke to me about a year ago now, and told me to assist him in healing another person’s heart. However, it did. Though I’ve been in situations before where hurting people hurt others, it’s not easier around this time with the new friend that God told me to help.

Patience and understanding is the key. Yet, on days when I feel like giving up on encouraging this new friend and trying to show them the love of Christ so that they too can help someone else, I remember an inspirational passage. The inspirational passage is

“If you try to help others, they may push you away. If you try to love them, they may reject that love. Pray for, bless, and love them anyway.”

And that’s exactly what I plan to do! I didn’t give up on myself or my best friend, and I’m not giving up on my new friend either. Because I’m a risk-taker and was once a hurting person that hurt others unintentionally, I won’t EVER stop trying to help mend broken hearts and I WON’T ever stop encouraging others to be the best versions of themselves. God often uses people to bless others. He can use me for whatever and however He wants to for the rest of my life…because I’ll never stop encouraging others. It’s my gift to the world.


Ashley Moss

Ashley Moss is the author of “Lessons I’ve Learned: A collection of Inspirational and Love Poetry” which is a downloadable e-book. Ashley loves writing and is going to school now to obtain her master’s degree in creative writing. She currently runs a blog called “Pockets full of Love” in which she posts encouraging and thought-provoking messages the 15th of every month. For more information on Ashley and how to obtain her poetry e-book, you can visit her on Facebook, her blog “Pockets full of Love” or her “Ashley Moss Authors website here.

If you would like to be a part of the guest blogger series for JustsumInspiration, complete the contact form on this site or email for more info.