Artist Lookout: HOSANNA! – Blessed Be The Rock…

If you haven’t heard of Hosanna Jones a.k.a hosanna1light then I have to ask, “Where Have you Been? This lyrical, heartfelt christian rapper is not like any other, Yesssss…I know you may be thinking “What Makes Him So Different?” Well, I’ll just let his music tantalize your ears later in the post plus I’ve been following Hosanna for about a year now and I can tell you, he really does practice what he “rhymes” about. He’s an encourager and motivator whom takes pride in his craft as well as being a family man to his son and wife.

Hosanna Light

Growing up, Hosanna knew of Christ; but when you have a parent whom let you do what you want to do, having a relationship with God suddenly gets pushed to the back burner. Hosanna didn’t know much about God and therefore found himself getting further and further away from his voice.

I told God, “I know who Jesus is, I understand the word a little bit but it doesn’t make sense to me. Hosanna

One day, while hanging out with some friends all of whom were doing spiritual practices but not necessarily the Christ way, Hosanna whom really never experienced what love truly was – felt like their way was right and began to question God concerning his involvement with them and if the way they were going was the way God wanted him to go. Hosanna asked God, if the practice was wrong to let him know and to do whatever it is he had to do to him to get him out of it, just don’t kill him.

I wanted to change for the better; I knew that I wanted to change. Hosanna

While Hosanna has had many downs as well as set backs towards his journey in Christ, the one thing that remained constant, was his music.

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The music Hosanna raps about are lyrics of the heart that springs up from his soul, every verse is wrapped in love and spoken with conviction about his own life and of a father whom saved him from the very hands of the enemy, now he spreads that love and light to others so that they may also come to know God in a special way.

Once Hosanna grabbed onto changing “God’s Way” that’s when his music no longer became just a beat to make people bob their heads but a beat followed by life changing lyrics of life and struggle, finding God, falling in love with life and mending broken relationships, powerful lyrics that will hopefully change a life for the better, just as God did for his.

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You can check out Hosanna’s new video music “Say Whatchu Wanna Say” above!

For more information about Hosanna, Upcoming Music or Inspiration, you can follow him on one or all of the social media outlets below:

Facebook   – Hosanna Jones


YouTube     – Hosanna Light

What do you think of the video? Leave your comments below.

Roshonda N. Blackmon – Creator of A Blog, A Magazine. It’s JustsumInspiration, Author, Speaker & Encourager

Let’s Live Well, Laugh Loud, Inspire More & Love Harder!

It’s Woman Wednesday! Hey Girlfriend, You’ve Got Mail, This Message is For You…

Women, are the most powerful beings to ever walk the earth. The bible say we’re the weaker vessel and to some that might mean “weak” in nature but actually it means she’s easy to cry when hurt, she’s vulnerable, loving, compassionate and while she puts up walls once she’s been hurt, she can easily let them down when she feels and/or recognizes love. While men are the earth, it’s the power of a woman that makes it go round. See how powerful and unique you are  woman of purpose? So why do you let others make you feel less than what you are?

As a woman sometimes I forget who I am and begin to question, what in the world God created me for. I sometimes allow others thoughts and criticism’s of me, shape the way I live my everyday life, I somehow allow their negativity to dictate who they feel I am and in the process of all that I become depressed; down-hearted and almost ready to sit on the sidelines of life as I watch everyone else play the game until I remember Proverbs 139:14 in which states:


When I read that scripture of verse, I suddenly snap back into reality and begin to see myself as God see’s me and I begin to think; everything that God made was good and very good, so that means that I’m a product of his best good creation, sculpted from the best clay and shaped by the best creative hands creation ever knew and you know what?, that includes you too girl.

Girlfriend, you are a diamond – a cut above the rest. You can move mountains with just one look, you have the power to speak your mind and everyone under the sound of your voice – has to stop and listen to you. So why don’t you use your voice to speak those things that are NOT happening in your life as though they ARE, including who you are. Honey, you don’t need a man to tell you you’re beautiful and you don’t need to keep giving a man your body just because you want someone to love you. LOVE starts at home (with you). Your body is a temple and everybody and everything is not privileged to enter into it. Ever wonder why you keep attracting the same type of man? It’s because your type, your attitude, your perspective and your outlook on who you are hasn’t changed. There’s still something broken on the inside, something that’s hiding in the shadows and maybe it’s being covered up by the nice clothes, shoes, make-up and hairstyles but it’s there and it needs your attention. The potter (God) specializes in broken vessels, he’s the master of finding a home for lost pieces…pieces that we feel can never be put back together again. You can’t put them back together but God can. You’re so much more worthy than you think and so much more valuable than you realize, you’re a PRICELESS piece of gold that can never be sold. I want you to begin to count up how much you’re worth and then add tax to it. Because you really are WORTH it, and that’s not just for those L’Oreal commercials it’s for you too boo.

Remember, you are a woman of purpose and vision. Don’t let the enemy trip you up by making you think less of yourself, oh and by the way YOU ARE CAPABLE, if you weren’t God wouldn’t have given you the vision or dream to accomplish what he destined/ordained/created you to do. A friend of mine sent me the video above. I didn’t look at it when she first sent it to me (had some life happened moments going but when I finally took a look at it, it blessed my soul so much – I had to share it with you.

If you’re in a place today of thinking less of yourself; less than what God made you to be then I ask that you look at the video above and declare today that you’re not only AWESOME but VALUABLE & WORTHY!!

Roshonda N. Blackmon – Creator of JustsumInspiration, Author, Speaker & Encourager

Let’s Live Well, Laugh Loud, Love Hard & Inspire Often!

Bride Brings Tears of Joy to her Grandma, Wearing her Gown from 1962


Is the famous quote that many eager brides try to obtain for the most important and special day of their lives – marriage, and one brides garment clearly fit the bill of “something old and borrowed.”

For Jordyn Jensen-Cleverly‘s wedding day, her dress wasn’t something new as most brides dresses usually are, Cleverly, however wanted her something borrowed and old to come from someone she truly adored, her grandmother. 23yr old Jordyn decided to wear her grandmothers wedding gown down the aisle, the same one her grandmother wore when she married her sweetheart back in 1962. The dress had not been worn in 55 years until now.

Penny Jensen, Jordyn’s grandmother had no idea that her grand-daughter had chosen to revive the gown she wore many years ago until the bride’s “first look” photo shoot in which Jordyn and her photographer Kortney Peterson surprised Penny.

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Photo courtesy of Kourtney J. Photography & HuffPost

“I didn’t want her to see the dress for the first time walking down the aisle and just start sobbing and have all those memories come back to her,” Jordyn Jensen

In memories, Jordyn was referring to Penny’s own wedding and her husband, whom passed away before Jordyn was born. According to the HUFFPOST, Jordyn stated that she blacked out for a moment due to the emotional excitement of seeing her grandmother face as she wore her gown, the only words she remembered her grandmother saying was “Wow, Wow, Wow”. The photo shoot was quiet as everyone stood in silence and tears began to express the emotion of how everyone felt that beautiful day.

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Photo courtesy of Kourtney J. Photography & HuffPost

And as the tears flowed, so did the rain as the once clear skies began to open up in expression as well. Photographer Kortney Peterson stated that it was as if Jordyn’s grandfather, Penny’s late husband also sealed the day with his approval as well. Such a beautiful occasion. And when Penny was finally able to speak, her words to her granddaughter became the cherry that topped off the day as she whispered in her ear:

“I married my high school sweetheart in this dress and so will you.” – Penny Jensen

Roshonda N. Blackmon – Creator of A Blog, A Magazine. It’s JustsumInspiration, Author, Speaker & Encourager

Let’s Live Well, Laugh Loud, Love Hard & Inspire Often!

It’s My Man Monday! Hey Guys, You’ve got Mail…

I have a message for the man who’s struggling with knowing not only who he is but whose he is today. The man whom doesn’t quite see himself as good enough, the man who has given it his all but still seems to come up short, no matter how much he tries.

I have a message for the man who is troubled because of a failed relationship or marriage and can’t seem to forgive himself because of it. The man whose a great father to his kids but is under appreciated for it. The man who isn’t a great father, but desires in his heart to be. The man who feels he can’t get a good job because of his past mistakes. The man whom can’t seem to kick the habit, any habit. The man who feels trapped in his own body but afraid to tell people his issues because he’s afraid he’d be shunned.

No matter what man issue you have today, whether it’s something that was written here or you have your own unique circumstance. I want you to know that God loves you no matter what you have done and no matter where you may be right now in this so called world called “LIFE” – God sees and he knows and I want you to know that he cares for you.

Do you know that God created you in his own image?, that means that you look like your father and when he created you, he created you to be BOLD, to be GREAT and to be ONE OF A KIND! and that you are, so don’t feel sorry for yourself because maybe you’re not where you feel like you should be right now, maybe you feel as though you made so many mistakes that God wouldn’t want to have anything to do with you and I hate to tell you, but you’re sadly mistaken.

Just as the father embraced the prodigal son (Luke 15: 11-32) when he was far off. The son, walking in shame was getting prepared to become a servant in his fathers home because he felt embarrassed by the wild lifestyle he lived and awfully bad about the portion of money he took from his father to support that lifestyle but when the money ran out and the friends disappeared, he was left with nothing. He took a job working for a farmer whom had him to feed his pigs – the prodigal son was so despaired and hungry, until the food he was feeding the pigs began to look mighty good to him, soon he began to reminisce about the servants in his fathers house and how good they ate. He then decided to go back home and ask his father to become one of them. But the father wouldn’t have it, he embraced his son, kissed him and threw a big party for him because the son he thought was lost and feared for dead, was alive and home again. This was surely not the behavior the son expected his father to give him for the bad decisions or the wrong things he had done but just as that father embraced his lost son, so your father is waiting to embrace, love and bring restoration to your life, he doesn’t even remember what you done or the path you chose to take, he’s just glad that you came back to him. And while you’re being restored, the angels are having a massive party on your behalf.

No matter how far we’ve gone out – God is able to restore us again! Take courage my friend and don’t give up – but look up! and see your father in the distance, hands raised awaiting for you to come and lay in his arms of forgiveness, mercy and grace.

May the video above bless you and put a fresh wind into your journey and let you know how AWESOME you truly are!

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Roshonda N. Blackmon – Creator of JustsumInspiration, Author, Speaker & Encourager

Let’s Live Well, Laugh Loud, Love Hard & Inspire Often!

Women, not to worry – I have something for you on Wednesday!! Stay Tuned…