Artist Lookout: HOSANNA! – Blessed Be The Rock…

If you haven’t heard of Hosanna Jones a.k.a hosanna1light then I have to ask, “Where Have you Been? This lyrical, heartfelt christian rapper is not like any other, Yesssss…I know you may be thinking “What Makes Him So Different?” Well, I’ll just let his music tantalize your ears later in the post plus I’ve been following Hosanna for about a year now and I can tell you, he really does practice what he “rhymes” about. He’s an encourager and motivator whom takes pride in his craft as well as being a family man to his son and wife.

Hosanna Light

Growing up, Hosanna knew of Christ; but when you have a parent whom let you do what you want to do, having a relationship with God suddenly gets pushed to the back burner. Hosanna didn’t know much about God and therefore found himself getting further and further away from his voice.

I told God, “I know who Jesus is, I understand the word a little bit but it doesn’t make sense to me. Hosanna

One day, while hanging out with some friends all of whom were doing spiritual practices but not necessarily the Christ way, Hosanna whom really never experienced what love truly was – felt like their way was right and began to question God concerning his involvement with them and if the way they were going was the way God wanted him to go. Hosanna asked God, if the practice was wrong to let him know and to do whatever it is he had to do to him to get him out of it, just don’t kill him.

I wanted to change for the better; I knew that I wanted to change. Hosanna

While Hosanna has had many downs as well as set backs towards his journey in Christ, the one thing that remained constant, was his music.

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The music Hosanna raps about are lyrics of the heart that springs up from his soul, every verse is wrapped in love and spoken with conviction about his own life and of a father whom saved him from the very hands of the enemy, now he spreads that love and light to others so that they may also come to know God in a special way.

Once Hosanna grabbed onto changing “God’s Way” that’s when his music no longer became just a beat to make people bob their heads but a beat followed by life changing lyrics of life and struggle, finding God, falling in love with life and mending broken relationships, powerful lyrics that will hopefully change a life for the better, just as God did for his.

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You can check out Hosanna’s new video music “Say Whatchu Wanna Say” above!

For more information about Hosanna, Upcoming Music or Inspiration, you can follow him on one or all of the social media outlets below:

Facebook   – Hosanna Jones


YouTube     – Hosanna Light

What do you think of the video? Leave your comments below.

Roshonda N. Blackmon – Creator of A Blog, A Magazine. It’s JustsumInspiration, Author, Speaker & Encourager

Let’s Live Well, Laugh Loud, Inspire More & Love Harder!

Snoop D.O.G.G is Taking it to Church in New Gospel Single “Words Are Few”


So, just in case you read the title wrong….YES! Snoop Dogg, whose real name is Calvin Broadus, the godfather of funk and rap is coming out with a new gospel album and it’s been “mom” approved!

Like you, I probably would have never imagined Snoop Dogg ever coming out with a gospel album as all I’ve ever known him for was dope (not literally) lyrics and funky, get your groove on beats…..Well, mama did say that God can use anybody and Snoop Dogg is no different. Over the years there’s been quite a bit of controversy in “gospel-dom” (for lack of a better word) when a secular artist merge into the gospel neighborhood and it’s even more of a crime when a gospel artist decides to do music with “secular” artists. I mean, didn’t God come into the world to save everybody??? I’m just saying…

But sometimes the Christians feel as though, they are the only ones going to heaven and if a secular artist crosses over – they get a lot of dirty looks, especially if a christian artist decides to work with them. Let’s face it, God gave us all talents and while some may have went a different road with theirs, it doesn’t mean that God loves them any less or won’t accept them – I mean as Christians, we can be haters, unforgiving and un-accepting of others, especially if they’re “NOT LIKE US”. But I’m so glad God never was or will be that way. Can I get an AMEN!!

I have to admit, I actually loved the single “Words are Few” in which also features the artist B Slade (formerly known in the gospel world as Tonex). It’s a powerful song of redemption, forgiveness and “please don’t judge me” – I’m still a work in progress, so move on. Go ahead Snoop, I’m listening!

According to media site Uproxx the rapper will be promoting the album via a reality show entitled “True G The Gospel of Snoop” the show will air on The Impact Network, in which had this to say about Snoop’s upcoming reality series:

See Snoop Dogg on his journey as a husband, father and community caretaker. Go inside the album as he reveals his source of inspiration. Hear Snoop’s personal testimony and stories of God’s grace through his many trials and tribulations.

Snoop Dogg stated that he promised his mother Beverly Broadus-Green, who’s also an  ordained minister that he would do an inspirational album.


Putting together a gospel album has “always been on my heart” and no time feels better than the present. Snoop Dogg

And Mrs. Green gave her son the thumbs up on his decision; the rapper shared his text and her response on Instagram in which you can see here.

If the other songs on the album sound as good as his first single, Snoop may very well be on his way of winning over the Christians as well. *Maybe*

Listen to “Words are Few” below and let me know what you think in the comments!!


Roshonda N. Blackmon – Creator of JustsumInspiration, Author, Speaker & Encourager

Let’s Live Well, Laugh Loud & Love Hard!