Thoughts: Is Halloween Reallyyyyyy, The Devil’s Birthday?

I recently glanced over a post (linked below) that asked a similar question, it got me to thinking – so I decided to write my thoughts about it…

So, I just have to say before I start this post that if you have a different opinion, while it’s appreciated because we all have one, right? But if yours is STRONGLY opinionated to the point of arguing (because I’m a lover, not a fighter = ) then please – STOP HERE and don’t go any further…

But, for everyone else who just want to read something today – let’s forge ahead….shall we? Okay, so I’m just going to put it out there – I’ve been told ALLLLLLLLL my little life that Halloween was the devils night and we should all stay in the house on that day. I was told that the devil uses that day to disguise himself as well as his counterparts because everyone’s in costumes so you’ll never know if it’s really a child or something else lurking behind it.


This made me scared and if I can be honest, put a bad complex over me and the holiday altogether. Does the devil really have a birthday??? Like Jesus does??? I guess because Halloween has been linked to everything “evil” that was the most common day that seemed like it would be well-fitting for such an evil person.

Related Post: 3 Reasons Why Halloween Is Not Satan’s Birthday and Never Will Be

However; I don’t think that Halloween is the devil’s birthday – just as I don’t think Christmas is Jesus’ birthday (I know I just got nailed to every cross imaginable, for that statement) but I don’t. I know the bible makes references to the night he was born and the many things that happened but there’s no real (or at least I haven’t seen it) conclusion as to when Jesus was born and if I can be honest, I really don’t care to know – the only thing I know is that I LOVE HIM and appreciate him. We honor him every day when we give thanks for the things he has done, the things he has brought us thru and the things that we know, that we know, that we know should have happened to us but by his mercy and grace – we’re still here (can I get an amen for that?!)

If Halloween was really the devil’s birthday, then why do Christians still celebrate the day by doing trunk or treat or little parties and etc. I mean, that’s still a celebration for the day, right? I say, people believe what they want to believe and if you have kids then let them enjoy the day, trust me as they get older – they’ll form their own opinion about what they really think and not because of something, someone forced them to believe.

As a Christian, I’m not much into any holidays really – especially my birthday but that’s another post discussion. But I do have kids and they desire to hang with friends and do fun things on that night just as anyone else and I let them. In the past, we’ve watched scary movies, ate cupcakes and had pizza on that night.

Related Post: 5 Spooky/Thriller Movies You Must See Before Halloween Ends

Do I believe spirits are real? yes, I do…

Do I believe they only come out on Halloween? No, I don’t…

We live in a world full of spirits – Good as well as Bad ones

The question we should ask ourselves is “WHICH ones we’re entertaining the most”

So, this was just my two cents – which probably doesn’t matter much but anywho, I hope you have a GREAT Halloween, whether you believe in it or not. Whatever you decide to do on this day, just make it fun and not “intentionally” scary or bad on purpose. Holidays are what you make them out to be….whether you’re a Christian or not.


HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!animation (5)



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