The Incredible, Strong, Bold & Beautiful Kristi Data

photo above courtesy of Kristi Data Facebook

Kristi Data
photo courtesy of Kristi Data FB 

WHAT YOU SEE…Hair done, make up done, a big bright smile, beautiful background, bright eyes, and a look of happiness, excitement, and possibility.

WHAT YOU DON’T SEE…is the fear of disappointing others, lack of self belief, body image issues, people pleaser-itis (just made that word up), anxiety filled, and the constant fear of not looking a certain way which would lead to people not likingme. Sad isn’t it 😔!

I’ve really taken a look at both of those lists, and the biggest take aways from it all is, “How do I want to feel?”, “How do I want others to feel?”, and “What can I do, be, and give to help others?” Here are my answers… I want to feel love, joy, bliss, excitement, laughter, strong, healthy, and empowered! I want others to feel what’s most important to them!

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I was born Jan 25, 1973 in Middletown, NY which is about 60 miles NW of NYC. From a very young age I was very active and began playing organized sports probably around age 8 or 9. I loved everything about sports and playing on a team. That excitement and enthusiasm for sports lead me to start playing volleyball in 8th grade that I became very passionate about. It was a goal to earn an athletic scholarship, and with a lot of sacrifice and discipline I achieved my goal and earned a full ride to Clemson University.

College was the most challenging 4 years of my life. I developed a pretty severe eating disorder that lasted past my college career. The number on the scale had become the meter to measure my self-worth and dictated what I ate and what I would keep down. After some scary moments of being hospitalized, I quickly realized the damaged that I was destroying myself. I went to some counseling, and eventually walked away from it. I was learning to let go of the control and to love myself.

I may have screwed up as a girlfriend and sometimes as a sister, a daughter or as a friend, because I don’t always say or do the “right things”. I have a smart mouth, I have secrets, I have scars because I have a history. Some people love me, some like me, and some people don’t. I have done good in my life. I have done bad in my life. I go without makeup, or shaving my legs sometimes. I don’t get dressed up half the time. I am random and I am silly. I will not pretend to be someone I am not. I am who I am, you can love me or not. But if I love you, I will do it with my whole heart, and I will make no apologies for the way I am. I AM ME!!! – Kristi Data

I have battled body image issues for quite some time. Yes, on the outside you would see someone who had it all together with her physical appearance, relationship, career, but was absolutely screaming on the inside for help. But that never let them see you sweat mentality was what I chose. And that’s when the Universe gave me an incredible gift about 7 years ago. It was this earth angel of a woman that I am now best friends with. We very quickly found a common passion of health, nutrition, and wanting to help others feel their best from the inside out.

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She needed A Hero, So that is what She Became – Dr. DelRae Marie Messer


We had been through quite a few challenges in that time, and have grown and learned so many lessons. Some I am still learning. For the last 3 years I have been in the best shape of my life mentally, physically, and emotionally. I have consistently chosen to fuel my body with incredible nutrition, my mind with things that challenge me to grow personally, and surround myself with an incredibly energetic and loving tribe. One of my most recent goals that I achieved physically was a fitness competition. This competition was one of the most incredible experiences as it challenged me in every way possible. The biggest win was that I can now look at my body as a vessel that houses my soul. It’s a gift, and I want it to last for a very, very long time.

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How am I going to live TODAY in order to create the TOMORROW I’m committed too. Tony Robbins 

Kristi, thanks so much for the encouragement and inspiration you provide to women all over the world. The world needs more super women like you, women whom are not afraid to speak up, tell their truths – reveal their flaws and keep it 💯 all the way! You really are Incredible, Strong, Beautiful & BOLD!

If you would like to follow Kristi and I believe you should – You can find her on the following social sites below. If you would like to inquire more about her fitness routine/regimen with Isagenix. I have provided a link to that site as well, please reach out to Kristi as she has some amazing people whom have tried Isagenix and are in the best shape and health of their life! She can tell you more about It!

👉  Facebook – Kristi Data 

👉  Instagram: Kristi Data (@kristidata)

👉  Kristi’s Fitness Regimine: Isagenix 

Hey, Ya’ll today is Kristi’s Birthday – Leave a comment below and give her a shoutout! I’ll let her reveal her age; just let me say – my jaw dropped when I found out!!! All I can say is that she looks absolutely A-Mazing.


Roshonda N. Blackmon – Creator of A Blog, A Magazine. It’s JustsumInspiration, Author, Speaker & Encourager

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