Make Time For Who?….YOU!! – Simple Self-Care Tips For The Busy Person In Us All.

Feature Image: Bing/Huffpost UK

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

I don’t know about you, but I’ve heard the statement above quite a plenty in my life time. So, what do people mean when they say “Take Care of Yourself” it’s literally a statement that seems to be said more than it’s done because in reality, How many of us really do it?

Which brings me to my next question: “How does one really take care of themselves?”

Most people tend to think Self-Care is all about the loofah’s and the lotions and going on some expensive spa date with the girls or guys and don’t get me wrong, that’s a part of it – but it’s not the WHOLE cake of the matter, if you can see that analogy. It’s just the icing; the outer part but it doesn’t begin to touch the core of what self-care really is.

I love this statement/quote – in which pretty much sums it up.

Self-Care is not Selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.

Eleanor Brownn with 2 N’s –

We’re ALLLL busy, I mean every single one of us. If we’re not engulfed in our careers, thinking about how to make money, raising a family together or alone, taking care of an ill parent, parents or child, trying to be a good friend or trying to fit in with the “in” crowd, managing our own health (if we don’t overlook it trying to make sure someone else manages theirs…been there?) or just catering to everyone else’s need except our own…..self-care can be pushed to the back burner when it comes to our own sanity.

Sometimes after giving so much of ourselves to others, there’s literally only one thing left for us and that’s “THE BED!” because we’re too burned out to do anything else. I get it, life gets busy and when it does, it seems to never stop. However, if you don’t take control of LIFE…? I’m sure you can finish that sentence, right?…

The tips below are not new or rocket science, but they are tips that I use to take command over life, even if it’s just for 5 min. Maybe they’ll be able to help you too OR get you back on track to taking care of the person that matters the most and that’s YOU! (And No, that’s not selfish to say)

Self-Care involves:

The Mind

Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels

You’ve heard the saying “A MIND is a terrible thing to waste” and it’s true, especially when it comes to self-care. It’s amazing how we exhaust our mental capacity on things that ruin our day or mood. It doesn’t help the case either when we consistently think about it or go to sleep with it on our minds. The older I’ve gotten I realized that I have to protect my energy and my mind when it comes to negative thoughts, negative images, negative news and NEGATIVE PEOPLE! (see how I bolded that last statement). We have to choose our battles wisely…even the more when it comes to our mental health.

MIND Suggestions:

  • Turn off the news (it’s always negative) and I’ve determined that watching too much of it, ruins my mood and effect my sleep pattern.
  • Have you heard of Luminosity? I love this game, it’s a fit game for you mind. It has a lot of little puzzles that challenge your cognitive thinking, it’s a mindless activity that gets my mind off of other things.
  • A cross word puzzle, puzzle or other word games are good to play to keep your mind sharp.
  • Last but certainly not least, meditation music or just taking 5 min, even if it’s after work in your car. Tends to work wonders for your mental sanity.

The Body

Photo by Mike Bird from Pexels

Our body is the first thing that feels the effects of any stress that we may endure or have going on. It’s a shame that we neglect it often and push it past it’s limits just to do the things “we” deem as necessary. My mom used to always say “You don’t ever want your body to become your enemy” and boy was she right. It can turn on you at any second, in which is why it’s a good thing to take care of it, after-all; we only get one of them.

BODY Suggestions:

  • Plan a walk. I tend to be more motivated when I have people that are willing to do this with me, but taking a walk is always a good destresser.
  • A little sun doesn’t hurt – as an African American woman I’ve been told by doctors that we don’t get enough sun, in which is why we have to take high dosages of Vitamin D. But a little sun in your face or down your back is good, if you can stand it =)
  • Massages are LIFE! – I always tell people, if I get a little extra or if God sees fit for me to get a little money….I would personally hire a masseuse! Massages are great for your body and relieves stress, it’s also good for the mind too.
  • Oh and eating healthy is always a good choice for your body!

The Soul

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Your soul is very, very important. It’s good to be able to connect with a higher power. Whether you believe in God or not – spiritual renewal, prayer, meditation, reading scriptures or listening to a good inspirational or motivational sermon, teaching or talk always brings balance to your inner core, which most times is the beginning of everything. If we can get our soul in order, it tends to make everything else come to order as well. I like to spend time with God, reading scripture or just listening to meditation music or gospel songs, this tends to mend me back together on the inside and reflects positively on the outside.

SOUL Suggestions:

  • Donate to your favorite charity, it’s nothing like being able to give back instead of always take.
  • Watch the clouds – Yes, you read that right. It’s something about looking up at the clouds that’s so spiritual and good to me. I have a favorite spot at my job that I go and do this on my lunch break or just getting up from my seat to go take a break. It’s the first place I go, it helps to do this because we’re high up. I just stand there and look and most times I’m talking to God. It’s a small thing, but I find such peace and tranquility just looking out that window and looking up.
  • Ever eat or drink alone? – Going places alone to some people may seem a bit daunting, but it’s actually good. It’s just you and you alone with your thoughts and plans. This gives you time to think about what your goals are, what goals you’ve met and what you need to achieve. And you can’t always do that when people are constantly talking or needing your “undivided” attention.

So, there you have it! As stated these are simple suggestions that you can do or start practicing today. Life, as crazy as it is will have us rushing, ripping and running to get somewhere and it will keep this cycle up as long as we allow it. Learn to discipline yourself long enough to take a breather. Don’t rush home from work every day, maybe sit in the car turn on some music and eat that leftover sandwich from lunch (literally just did this the other day). Just let your mind, body and soul relax.

Now, say it with me “Who’s your most favorite person in the world?” Don’t be shy, I know you want to say it and just in case you forgot? IT’S YOU BOO!! So, go and really “TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF!” because 30 min or an hour A Day? Keeps the Insanity at Bay!

Do you have any Self-Care tips that you do to stay balanced? Share them Below.

EnSpired: The Day In The Life of A Dog Sitter by Guest Blogger – Amy Temple

The photo above some photos below courtesy of pexels and bing

I have been self-employed in the dog care field for 12 years.

In other words, I’m a dog sitter… and I love it!

I love dogs, period!


Those stories you hear about abused dogs being rescued just breaks my heart and really, really ticks me off! I think anyone who mistreats a dog should face a firing squad!

But I digress.

I basically fell into this type of work shortly after moving to Orlando back in 2006. I had moved into a retirement community with my parents and was looking for a part-time job.

I was hired by a woman who had a 2-year-old Boston Terrier who I will just call “O”, for privacy reasons. Five days a week, I stayed for an hour or more and walked, played and sometimes fed her.  Sometimes I would come over on Sundays.


She and I would go for long walks around the community.

As she got older, I cut the walks short just to the grassy areas near the clubhouse and office, pushing her there in a doggie stroller.  Afterward, I took her for what I would call “buggy rides” around the community.

Over the next several years, I got more clients but “O” was my main charge. I’ve had dogs of my own but I must confess, I came to love “O” as if she were all mine.

Bing/Boston terrier

And she’s not the only one. I’ve come to care deeply for all my charges over the years.

Sadly,  “O” died in June from pancreatic issues which she’d been dealing with for quite some time. I admit, I cried. I cried hard…

However, I don’t call that the downside of dog-sitting.

That’s actually one of the best parts of the job, I think.

Not only do I get to spend time outside but I get to spend time with one of God’s most beautiful creatures. I find it very rewarding and quite frankly, I don’t see myself – nor do I want – to see myself doing anything else.

Yes, it’s a dirty job, literally…

I’ve picked up a dog who has walked through rain and mud puddles.

I’ve had a dog vomit on me, andddddddd

I’ve had to pick up messy #2’s….yep! somebody’s got to do it.

Right now, I’m currently healing from several dog bites on my fingers from a 4-month-old puppy I just started sitting with about two weeks ago.

I must confess, I haven’t had to deal with a puppy since my own dog was one eight years ago so I’ve had to do a lot of reading online to remind myself!


I’m glad the 9 to 5 job community rejected me because I believe if I had been successful in finding a regular job, I would’ve missed my calling to be a dog-sitter.

Now, I can only imagine what some of you might be thinking.

Do I honestly think that my purpose in life, is to get down and dirty basically every single day with these wonderful dogs?  Coming home, smelling like God knows what?

Yep. Actually, I do.

But, you won’t make a whole lot of money, in doing that. I could hear someone say.


What’s your point??





Amy is a resident of Florida.  Since 2006, she has been self-employed in the dog care field.  In May 2017, she self-published a memoir titled “I Am Not Stupid” which is available through Amazon.  She writes for seethegoodinfo, an inspirational website and the Learning Disabilities Association’s newsletter LD Source.






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