
By Amy Temple

Featured Pic Credit: Bing/Bassett Hound

Every once in a while, someone comes into your life and leaves a lasting impression on you. Whether or not they are in your life for 20 minutes or 20 years, they completely change you.

I have met people who have done that just but the one who touched me the most was a Bassett Hound named Clementine.

Clementine came into my life on June 9, 1987. I was 9. The breeding family raising her decided to sell her when a complicated birth required Clementine to be spayed.

On the day we met, my father and I took her for a walk and already my protective instincts were kicking in. I knew I had to have her.

A few days later we did. Oh I was so excited!

I laid out a blanket complete with a treat and a doggie toy. She went for the treat…go figure!

Clementine was famous in our family for eating a whole loaves of bread and half a chocolate cake. The most interesting thing about these incidents was that she actually pulled back the plastic just like a real person would!!

However my mother and I will never forget having to rush her to the vet after she ate a whole bowl of Hershey Kisses, foil and all.

One thing you had to remember was not to bother her whenever she was sleeping or she would growl. We were reminded from time to time but Clementine rarely bit.

In general, Clementine was a very good dog, affectionate and playful. I came home from school sick and she laid on the couch with me, laying her chin on my knee. She always seemed to know when there was something wrong and tried to make things better.

Bing/Bassett Hound

Like any other animal owner, we considered Clementine a member of the family. There wasn’t anything we wouldn’t try to do for her.

Clementine was always doing the funniest things. While we were having supper one night, my father discovered she was sitting right beside him, just staring! I mean, she wasn’t even blinking!

There’s one incident that particularly stands out the most to me…

One day Clementine was sniffing behind the toilet and got stuck! It took a lot of pulling and grunting but eventually she was freed. In mid 1995, Clementine began having trouble breathing and developed a hacking cough.

After numerous tests it was revealed Clementine’s whole heart was enlarged.

Bing/Bassett Hound

She was on too much medication for kennels to keep her so our family didn’t see us too much but thankfully they understood.

Around Labor Day 1997, Clementine had a heart attack while out in the backyard. She managed to crawl back inside and died in front of the coffee table.

I remember how brave my father was that night. He called the family to announce Clementine’s death. He was so calm and strong on the phone but afterwards, Dad broke down.

Clementine’s death tore me apart as well. I must’ve cried every day for two weeks straight. I felt like half of me died right along with her. She was the only dog, I’d ever lost.

Pets are our very best friends and confidante’s, they’re our FAMILY. I miss Clementine and think of her often. She’ll forever be apart of my heart.

R.I.P Clementine ❤️

Do you have a pet that you loved and lost?
Share your story below, I’d love to hear about it!

Amy is a resident of Florida.  Since 2006, she has been self-employed in the dog care field.  In May 2017, she self-published a memoir titled “I Am Not Stupid” which is available through Amazon.  She writes for seethegoodinfo, an inspirational website and the Learning Disabilities Association’s newsletter LD Source.

The Grieving Stage – What Not To Say!

photo above courtesy of bing/grief

This topic was submitted by Tracy C – Justsuminspiration FB follower

When it comes to grief or consoling someone facing a tragedy, it can be hard to come up with the right thing to say that fits that individuals situation during the time. But, if I can be honest with you, there really is no right answer or right words, however; there are plenty of wrong words and/or statements that you can say that’ll make that grief period confusing as well as annoying to the griever.

Continue reading “The Grieving Stage – What Not To Say!”

How To Get Through Loss During The Holidays…

photo credit above courtesy of bing

I used to feel really sad for people whom went through the holidays without a loved one or someone to spend the holidays with because let’s face it, who really wants to be alone when the holidays roll around – no one. (I don’t care what they say..) but I always said a special prayer for people who lost a loved one, whether husband, wife, child, friend, pet – it didn’t matter, I prayed for them. At the time I had no clue as to what they were actually feeling but I tried to place my feet in their shoes for just a moment to imagine the pain they must’ve been feeling, although I never had….at least until last year.

Paris 2

I mentioned briefly in this past Sunday’s Thought message of the difficult circumstances concerning my mom and what happened. I lost her five days after Thanksgiving and we funeralized her the first week of December, so needless to say Christmas went straight down the drain last year, it was also the first time since starting this blog that I didn’t write anything that whole month. Once January 2017 rolled in, I knew that it would be a really tough year – the only thing I kept thinking as each day and month passed by was the fact that “This time last year, mama was here.” which honestly has played in mind up until recently, when I could actually say, “This time last year, mama wasn’t here” – When January 2018 comes in, that will pretty much be a fresh start for me, the beginning of truly leaving the year behind and all the pain it held in it. It’ll also be a year in which, I can finally let mama go and begin to move forward and live my life as she would have wanted me too.

While the holidays bring their own type of vibe and it may be a little hard to celebrate the season because you’ve suffered a loss, rest assured that even though your special loved one isn’t here, doesn’t mean that you have to exclude them or yourself from still having a special holiday. Listed below are a couple of tips that I’ve learned and have done since loosing my mom and maybe they’ll help you or even a friend whom may be experiencing the “blues” this season due to a special loss.


1. Talk About It, Get It Out of Your System…

Keeping my feelings to myself in regards to my mom dying suddenly would have been a train wreck had I not had a good support group. If you don’t have one, then talk to someone in whom you trust such as a pastor, good neighbor, co-worker or counselor. Trust me, keeping your emotions locked up only breeds fire – you have to get it out, so you can begin the process of moving forward and having a peace of mind in regards to the loss.

2. Keep the Traditions Alive!

My mom was a game player, she loved coming up with unique games in which people could win prizes. Now, don’t get me wrong; my mom didn’t make a lot of money, in fact she only received a disability check once a month but you wouldn’t have known that with the gifts she gave out. Every year for Christmas we pulled names as a family to exchange gifts and mama would invite people over for a unique Christmas game (I never knew how she could come up with such thoughtful games) afterwards, she would award the winner and the losers as well with some amazing gifts. She always made people feel good, no matter where she went and she always had some little trinket to give them, to make their day a little brighter. It’s good to keep memories/traditions alive when you lose a loved one, we’re so quick to want to forget everything once their gone, but we have to realize when we keep their memory open, their spirit will always be alive.

3. Time really does HEAL…

I can and will say that it will take time for you to heal, and you do that as often and as much as you need to, don’t let anyone define to you when you need to let go or stop crying…you do what you need to do to deal with your loss. Remember all the good times because those are the memories that are going to get you thru your toughest days and with the holidays now here, this time of year makes those tough days harder. Remember, healing also occurs when you surround yourself with positive, caring people. I’m still healing every single day.

4. Get Involved In Activities…

There’s a scripture in the bible that says, “An idle mind is the devils workshop” and boy that scripture couldn’t be further from the truth, the enemy works and toils with our emotions and when we’re down, feeling blue or even sad – he pounces on those emotions, his goal is to take you deeper into a “blue” place, so deep until it’s hard for your to come up to breathe. Find something that you like doing that will help take your mind off of your current situation, focusing on other things does not mean that you’re forgetting about your loved one. It’s just you letting your brain and body know that you have to keep them sharp and moving forward. You’ll have your moments and that’s totally okay, but when that moment is happening every day? It’s time to get up and find a hobby or get involved in a charity….maybe even one your loved one preferred. Just don’t sit and let yourself go because at the end of the day, “Would your loved one really want you to do that?”

5. Signs and Wonders…

I was in the break room at work a little shy over a month ago eating lunch, I always sit at the table in which has a window by it, once you sit down at it; the only thing you can see are the clouds. Suddenly, I thought to myself – “I wonder if my mom know how much, I loved her?” and no joke, it seemed like as soon as I said that my head immediately turned to look at the sky and I promise you – there was a heart shaped cloud there. I was sooooo amazed that I hurried and tried to get my camera up on my phone but when I looked back up, it had faded away. I know that sounds crazy, but I wanted to share that to let you know that even though our loved ones may be gone from this side, their on the other side watching over us and if you look around closely, you just may see little signs of them still wondering around, letting you know that they’re okay. So, be encouraged!

I hope this post was a little help and offer some comfort as you go on through Christmas and the rest of this month. God bless you and know that I am praying for you and while you’re on your knees, please say a little prayer for me too.


Carolyn Blackmon-Greene 10/22/1961 – 11/29/2016

You’re forever in my heart Mama!


Roshonda N. Blackmon – Creator of A Blog, A Magazine. It’s JustsumInspiration, Author, Speaker & Encourager

Let’s Live Well, Laugh Loud, Inspire More & Love Harder!