Q&A: Okay, So How “MAY” I Help You…

OMGosh!!! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, where has the TIME GONE! First there was January, then there was MAY! I can’t say I even remember too much about the months in between. Anywho, I hope you’re having a great day and hopefully the weather is sunny and warm where you are because it’s definitely been a LONGGGGGGGGG Winter, so long until it overlapped into Spring!

While I feel as though Spring is just beginning, usually the spring season brings on new ideas, it’s a time in which we can clean up the cobwebs of winter and make everything airy and decluttered and while I still have that on my to-do list to complete in my own house – I have to say, that I’m suffering from a big brain cobweb. Yep! the ideas of what to post about for this month, seemed to skip past me like the mailman does when I’m looking for a check, instead of a nagging bill.

You know?, I’ve been blogging for 3yrs now and I have to say – when I first started, I had no idea as to what I was going to talk about, it was like this blank canvas was in front of me and I had to find some way of coloring it. I was so nervous, “What have I just done?” I asked myself, right after I got the message “Your Blog JustsumInspiration is up and ready! “Oh No!!….what seemed like a good idea, now had my mouth filled with cotton balls. But, Thank God – topics, situations and life events all flooded my mind within that first month and has never stopped until NOW. Sooo, you might be wondering…Okay, Ro – so what are getting at……



Do you have any??? – I know Mother’s Day week is next week and I believe I have about two rabbits in my hat that I can pull off a couple of tricks with, but after that – I DON’T KNOW, YIKESSSS!

McCauley Culkin1
McCauley Culkin/Home Alone – Gif

So, that’s where you come in at – I know for the past three years, I’ve been doing a lot of talking and kind of testing the waters with life experiences and certain topics and that’s been great, but now I have to ask you – Is there a Particular topic you would like for me to talk about? (Anything but Politics, because I’m just not that clever or knowledgeable on the subject) however; everything else is up for grabs.

I want to know what you would like to see featured on the Blog – Do you have a burning question or are you puzzled about something and need some advice? Is there a subject matter you hadn’t seen me talk about and you want me to talk about it? Just let me know!!….I’m here to serve you. It can be topics about me, about you, life, God or whatever. I’m not claiming to know EVERYTHING in the world, but I’ve been through quite a bit of things and can maybe offer some insight. Would you like more short stories?, I had a blogger (Driftyness) to state that she liked the short story posts and would like to see more of those and because of that request, I decided at the end of each month – I would post an original short story that was written by me!

So, this month – the ball is in your court. Let me me know what you’d like to talk about and I’ll see what I can “cook up” in this brain of mine.

State your topic of interest in the comments! I’ll be patiently waiting….


If you submit a topic, I’ll be sure to give you a shout out at the beginning of the post. If you’re not a blogger but a visitor – then please send your email address to justsuminspiration@gmail.com and I’ll email you when your post is about to be featured. If you’re a blogger, I’ll also give you a shout out with a link to your blog so people can visit your site or social media site. (Hey, we’re helpers one to another – right? =) 


Roshonda N. Blackmon – Creator of A Blog, A Magazine. It’s JustsumInspiration, Author, Speaker & Encourager


Feel Free to Follow Me on These Sites5_ (2)

10 thoughts on “Q&A: Okay, So How “MAY” I Help You…

    1. Okay, I feel ya. I will do that, of course as you know nothing is coming to mind right now…lol. But, I like the topic – almost like a reflection. I appreciate you for responding and will tag you when I get this done. This may even be a Sunday Thought. Thanks Gurly! xoxo


  1. Hmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔
    Wow, what a good way to challenge yourself.
    I will give you 5 options

    1) Write a short essay (if you want to make it long then that’s np) about your favorite childhood memory
    2) Write about a comparison about life now compared to the 90’s
    3) Write about this quote ” Jealously is more common than loyalty” and what it means to you
    4) Pros and Cons of being single and Pros and Cons of being in a relationship
    5) Write about your opioion on online dating

    You can pick one of the five, don’t write about all 5.
    Just brief, it don’t have to be long ☺☺


    1. Wow! my friend, you’ve presented quite a few good topics, love the one about the 90’s – I can truly say the music in the 90’s can’t be compared to the music now (just my 2 pennies tho). Loved the childhood memory one as well as the online dating – I’m going to think of these. I did a write up about being Single and the pro’s but didn’t think about the pro’s and con’s of each, in which they both have — oh my, where do I start. I know you said I don’t have to do them all and I won’t but it’s hard to choose. Great, Great Topics – not sure right now which one’s I will use, but I’ll surprise you. Thank you so much!!! xoxo


      1. I love surprises(but only online because in real life I hate surprises)
        Music in the 90’s was a lot better compared to now.
        I can’t wait to read from you


      2. Lol, I feel ya about the surprises – I only like the good ones =) – I’ll see ya soon…(online that is..lol)


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