Product Review & Giveaway!: Your Tea Co.

Okay, so anyone that knows me (especially my sisters) know that I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE trying new things. I mean what’s the point of life, if you don’t take a risk and branch out from your comfort zone every now and again or in my case, ALL the time.

I mean, I’ve gotten so bad with it until when a new product comes out; the first thing my sisters ask me is “Have you tried that?” and 9 times out of 10 my answer will always be YES!! Now there are certain things that I won’t try such as squid, octopus or frog legs (I don’t care how much people say they taste like chicken) but everything else?? definitely stands a chance on Roshonda’s “Try This and That” highway. With all of that being said, it’s no wonder the next product I tried had to do with one of my favorite go-to drinks and that is tea. I absolutely love tea, as a matter of fact when our office staff did secret Santa last year, it was one of the items I put on my wish list.

I love trying out different types of teas – especially if they have an extra health benefit linked to them which is what made me fascinated about trying Your Tea. I stumbled upon the tea at my younger sisters house, curious about what was in the pretty pink box; she told me that it was called Tiny Tea, she purchased it awhile back to help detox her system. She said that it was really good and worked like a charm. So, instead of taking what she had; I opted for the tea samples in which came with her box in which she never used. When I say those teas tasted good, I mean they tasted so good…One was entitled “Gypsy Green” the other was “Black Honey Heaven” – OMGoodness! is all that I can say besides:


I had to find out more about this tea company and what I found out and came across was mind-blowing. According to their website Your Tea is a company that creates tea blends for modern health, from ancient wisdom. Based on TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Your Tea is also created by TCM Doctors as well, how cool is that!

They have teas that will balance your gut and also assist you with other problematic areas you may suffer from, such as:

  • Energy
  • Sleep
  • Bloating
  • Fertility
  • Sex Drive
  • PMS
  • Weight-loss
  • Healthy Skin
  • Mood and they even have a tea for Men’s Health

Since I’ve always been attracted to things that provide mind, body and health. I decided to take a look around on the site and see what they had to offer and that’s when I came across one of their tea boxes called “The Mini Makeover” 

Mini Makeover

The box contained a little sample of some of their most popular wellness teas such as, the Tiny Tea, Skin Magic, Anti-C and Happy Tea. Each tea provides a benefit that will help your body get out of neutral and into drive. Below is a little something about each of the ones I received:

  1. Tiny Tea – Assists with targeting excess fat, reduces bloating, fluid retention and helps with digestion.
  2. Skin Magic Tea –  Assists with problematic skin, eczema, clearing heat and toxins and also helps with digestion as well.
  3. Anti-C Tea – Reduces fluid retention, reduces toxins, provides protection for your cells to keep them from being damaged, boosts the body’s ability to burn fat.
  4. Happy Tea – Promotes overall well-being, reduces bloating, calms the bowels and supports digestion.

Sounds good right?! As you can see from the description of each, all the teas help promote a healthy digestion in which will cause you to go (you know) much more regularly than every other day or week. If you are experiencing slow bowel movements, then your body just may need a big tea boost to your system. Okay, I know that was very uncomfortable – so, let’s move on – I’m sure you got the drift. Alongside the mini makeover, I also ordered the Choc Nirvana in which is a chocolate tea and let me just say YES, YES, YES – It really does taste like chocolate and when the ingredients contain such coco peels, caramel, chocolate and vanilla flavors – Just add a packet of stevia, sit back and wonder around chocolate heaven!

Your Tea - Choc Nirvana

Since my order was $25.00 or more, I got an extra bonus. They sent me their proclaimed TEAFACE scrub for free.

Your Tea Face

This product is said to gently exfoliate, deeply nourish and revitalize the skin. It helps to heal scars, uneven skin tone and promises to leave you with a glowing complexion; the only thing I will say is that it is real tea granules to your face and while it felt a little funny, it really did leave my face smooth after one try. This is how it looked on my face…

Your Tea Face (me2)Your Tea Face (me)

I drank everything (except for the Happy Tea) within a couple of days and while you really need to order the full set of teas to really experience a huge difference, I feel as though I got off to a healthy start and will be ordering more tea – very soon.  In the meantime, I know you’re saying “Okay, so what about this giveaway already!!” – so, because I love trying new things and love to share what I find to be truly good with my friends, I thought I would share with you (my friends) as well. So, if you would like to try out the Your Tea brand, then all you have to do is follow the instructions below:

  1. Leave a comment below
  2. Follow me on Facebook or
  3. Follow me on Instagram

Disclaimer: You must do number 1 and number 2 or 3 (following me on both sites is not necessary, just one will do) in order to be included in the giveaway!

And that’s it! Once you do, your name will be entered into the giveaway. I’ll be giving one lucky reader a $25.00 gift card to purchase your own Your Tea product. But you must hurry, the deadline to enter is next Wednesday 9/27/17 @ noon. Winner will be announced on Thursday 9/29/17 @ noon via FB, Instagram and the JustsumInspiration site!

Have a Happy Day & Good Luck!!

Your Tea

Psst!, Over Here. Just in case you were wondering –  I am not sponsored nor was I paid to give my opinion of this product. Everything said, is totally my opinion based off of my own personal purchase. I also was not promised or will not get anything in lieu to the giveaway being promoted. Funds for this giveaway are coming out of my own pocket. So, now that that’s all clear….Go Enter!!


Roshonda N. Blackmon – Creator of JustsumInspiration, Author, Speaker & Encourager

Let’s Live Well, Laugh Loud & Love Hard!