
By Amy Temple

Featured Pic Credit: Bing/Bassett Hound

Every once in a while, someone comes into your life and leaves a lasting impression on you. Whether or not they are in your life for 20 minutes or 20 years, they completely change you.

I have met people who have done that just but the one who touched me the most was a Bassett Hound named Clementine.

Clementine came into my life on June 9, 1987. I was 9. The breeding family raising her decided to sell her when a complicated birth required Clementine to be spayed.

On the day we met, my father and I took her for a walk and already my protective instincts were kicking in. I knew I had to have her.

A few days later we did. Oh I was so excited!

I laid out a blanket complete with a treat and a doggie toy. She went for the treat…go figure!

Clementine was famous in our family for eating a whole loaves of bread and half a chocolate cake. The most interesting thing about these incidents was that she actually pulled back the plastic just like a real person would!!

However my mother and I will never forget having to rush her to the vet after she ate a whole bowl of Hershey Kisses, foil and all.

One thing you had to remember was not to bother her whenever she was sleeping or she would growl. We were reminded from time to time but Clementine rarely bit.

In general, Clementine was a very good dog, affectionate and playful. I came home from school sick and she laid on the couch with me, laying her chin on my knee. She always seemed to know when there was something wrong and tried to make things better.

Bing/Bassett Hound

Like any other animal owner, we considered Clementine a member of the family. There wasn’t anything we wouldn’t try to do for her.

Clementine was always doing the funniest things. While we were having supper one night, my father discovered she was sitting right beside him, just staring! I mean, she wasn’t even blinking!

There’s one incident that particularly stands out the most to me…

One day Clementine was sniffing behind the toilet and got stuck! It took a lot of pulling and grunting but eventually she was freed. In mid 1995, Clementine began having trouble breathing and developed a hacking cough.

After numerous tests it was revealed Clementine’s whole heart was enlarged.

Bing/Bassett Hound

She was on too much medication for kennels to keep her so our family didn’t see us too much but thankfully they understood.

Around Labor Day 1997, Clementine had a heart attack while out in the backyard. She managed to crawl back inside and died in front of the coffee table.

I remember how brave my father was that night. He called the family to announce Clementine’s death. He was so calm and strong on the phone but afterwards, Dad broke down.

Clementine’s death tore me apart as well. I must’ve cried every day for two weeks straight. I felt like half of me died right along with her. She was the only dog, I’d ever lost.

Pets are our very best friends and confidante’s, they’re our FAMILY. I miss Clementine and think of her often. She’ll forever be apart of my heart.

R.I.P Clementine ❤️

Do you have a pet that you loved and lost?
Share your story below, I’d love to hear about it!

Amy is a resident of Florida.  Since 2006, she has been self-employed in the dog care field.  In May 2017, she self-published a memoir titled “I Am Not Stupid” which is available through Amazon.  She writes for seethegoodinfo, an inspirational website and the Learning Disabilities Association’s newsletter LD Source.

I Quit…And I Feel Free! by Amy Temple

Featured Photo by Irina Iriser from Pexels

So, previously I mentioned that I’d been working for 13 years as a dog sitter for a Christian couple who live in the same residential community as my family and I. Well, it all went downhill very fast and here’s how…

Last month as I was taking the couple’s Boston Terrier puppy for a ride in its stroller, I stopped to talk to a woman who was also walking her dog.

When all of a sudden the couple’s Boston terrier puppy -who’s name shall remain anonymous at this point, jumps out of the stroller, despite having on a neck strap, in which fell completely off and goes after this woman’s dog!

Understandably the woman freaked out by the sudden action of the terrier but remained calm enough to pick up its leash and hand it to me. Afterward, what conversation we were having had now been compromised, she then took her dog and ran onto her porch, which thankfully was only a few feet away from the incident.

I felt completely horrible about the incident and apologized immensely, more times than I could count. Finally, I picked up the terrier who had seemingly calmed down, put him back into the stroller and walked away….deep down as I left the scene, I knew without a shadow of a doubt…

I was done with this job!

When I got home, my parents picked up that something was a little off with me as I still had the look of horror on my face. “What Happened? they asked. After telling them the story of the terrier and the chaos it called that day, they echoed my sentiment and agreed – It was time to quit!

Two days later, I spoke with the couple and gave my two weeks notice. However, after further discussion, we all mutually agreed that I’d be better to end the agreement immediately. In all, the agreement was peaceful and offered an open door for me to visit the puppy anytime I wanted.

When I look back on the situation, I realize that I shouldn’t have said yes when the couple asked me to return as their dog sitter for a new puppy they had gotten right after their 14-yr old Boston Terrier passed away.

I knew the hours for taking care of the puppy were going to be dreadfully long, especially since both worked full-time jobs. Honestly, I did try for several months to train him but this last incident had proved to be a little too much for me to handle.

Photo Credit:

However, as I move on, I can’t say I have any regrets over my decision to quit. Now, I have all the time in the world to put my time and energy where it matters most and that’s with my family and my dog Echo – who is very glad I am not leaving her as often as I used to!

Now don’t get me wrong – I haven’t done away with my dog training career completely. I’m still working and do have other clients but the work is sporadic and not on a daily basis as the past couple’s were.

The puppy experience over the last few months had left me with a feeling of overwhelming anxiety – so much so, it nearly wiped me out!

But now I feel so free!

Free enough to pursue and kick my writing career up a notch! I already have several writing opportunities lined up.

Hmm! I wonder, could that be a sign from God?

I think it might be.

What do you think?

Amy is a resident of Florida.  Since 2006, she has been self-employed in the dog care field.  In May 2017, she self-published a memoir titled “I Am Not Stupid” which is available through Amazon.  She writes for seethegoodinfo, an inspirational website and the Learning Disabilities Association’s newsletter LD Source.

EnSpired: The Day In The Life of A Dog Sitter by Guest Blogger – Amy Temple

The photo above some photos below courtesy of pexels and bing

I have been self-employed in the dog care field for 12 years.

In other words, I’m a dog sitter… and I love it!

I love dogs, period!


Those stories you hear about abused dogs being rescued just breaks my heart and really, really ticks me off! I think anyone who mistreats a dog should face a firing squad!

But I digress.

I basically fell into this type of work shortly after moving to Orlando back in 2006. I had moved into a retirement community with my parents and was looking for a part-time job.

I was hired by a woman who had a 2-year-old Boston Terrier who I will just call “O”, for privacy reasons. Five days a week, I stayed for an hour or more and walked, played and sometimes fed her.  Sometimes I would come over on Sundays.


She and I would go for long walks around the community.

As she got older, I cut the walks short just to the grassy areas near the clubhouse and office, pushing her there in a doggie stroller.  Afterward, I took her for what I would call “buggy rides” around the community.

Over the next several years, I got more clients but “O” was my main charge. I’ve had dogs of my own but I must confess, I came to love “O” as if she were all mine.

Bing/Boston terrier

And she’s not the only one. I’ve come to care deeply for all my charges over the years.

Sadly,  “O” died in June from pancreatic issues which she’d been dealing with for quite some time. I admit, I cried. I cried hard…

However, I don’t call that the downside of dog-sitting.

That’s actually one of the best parts of the job, I think.

Not only do I get to spend time outside but I get to spend time with one of God’s most beautiful creatures. I find it very rewarding and quite frankly, I don’t see myself – nor do I want – to see myself doing anything else.

Yes, it’s a dirty job, literally…

I’ve picked up a dog who has walked through rain and mud puddles.

I’ve had a dog vomit on me, andddddddd

I’ve had to pick up messy #2’s….yep! somebody’s got to do it.

Right now, I’m currently healing from several dog bites on my fingers from a 4-month-old puppy I just started sitting with about two weeks ago.

I must confess, I haven’t had to deal with a puppy since my own dog was one eight years ago so I’ve had to do a lot of reading online to remind myself!


I’m glad the 9 to 5 job community rejected me because I believe if I had been successful in finding a regular job, I would’ve missed my calling to be a dog-sitter.

Now, I can only imagine what some of you might be thinking.

Do I honestly think that my purpose in life, is to get down and dirty basically every single day with these wonderful dogs?  Coming home, smelling like God knows what?

Yep. Actually, I do.

But, you won’t make a whole lot of money, in doing that. I could hear someone say.


What’s your point??





Amy is a resident of Florida.  Since 2006, she has been self-employed in the dog care field.  In May 2017, she self-published a memoir titled “I Am Not Stupid” which is available through Amazon.  She writes for seethegoodinfo, an inspirational website and the Learning Disabilities Association’s newsletter LD Source.






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EnSpired: Pet Hair, Don’t Care. Meet the Grooming Dogs Who Were Born To Be WILD!

photo above courtesy of katrinapetsalon

Whether you want it dyed, fried, laid to the side or a rainbow of colors – there’s one salon in California that’s specialized to give your…..PET!…..anything it’s heart or I guess I should say, it’s owner’s heart desire. Thanks to ‘Katrina’s Pet Salon’; now your pet can be just as fashion forward as you are!


Katrina Short is the owner and certified groomer of ‘Katrina’s Pet Salon’ in San Leandro, CA. a salon that specializes in dog, cat and creative grooming and when I say creative, I mean it’s on the next level of creativity! Katrina, whose has been a lover of animals her whole life, had dreams of becoming a vet when she grew up, but when she got bit by the  “grooming” field bug; she immediately fell in love with it and decided to combine her love of pets and her new love of grooming together and VIOLA! soon, she began taking pets from ordinary to an extraordinary WILD SIDE, literally.

As you’ll see in the video below – Katrina, gives the pets fresh looks by dying their hair, trimming their tresses and even painting their nails, giving them not only a new look but a new found confidence as well. This new found confidence helped give Khalee a boost, whom according to her owner – suffered from depression (I know that may seem a bit unreal for a dog to be depressed, but I guess it happens for animals too) 

Katrina’s not only a master mind when it comes to grooming, but she’s also into the pet’s overall health as well. Due to her thorough grooming services, she’s saved over five pets lives by discovering cancerous lumps early.

Katrina Short


“As a groomer, I’m in tune with each individual pet and their bodies” Katrina Short


So, without further ado – get ready to meet the “glam squad” Zeus, Kevin, Khalee and their “rat pack” Brody, Tank, Sterling and Bling in the video below.

To see who’ll be getting a fabulous makeover next or view more videos of her shop and grooming process. Feel free to follow Katrina on one of her social sites below:

Instagram: @Katrina_Short

YouTube: katrina_short pet grooming 

You can see more of Katrina’s Creations on her website: Katrina’s Pet Salon


What do you think? Do you like the way Katrina is glamming up pets? Would you get your pet glammed up this way? – Leave your comments below….



Creator of A Blog, A Magazine. It’s JustsumInspiration, Author, Speaker & Encourager