Serving the Same God, But Walking a Different Path.

About 5 years ago, the Lord put it in my spirit to read the whole book of Proverbs; At that time, I had determined in my mind that I was going to read a chapter a day until I finished the whole book. But I felt this was sort of odd; why would God want me to read the whole book of Proverbs?

I mean, I like the book as it was written by King Solomon, the son of David. I was familiar with quite a few scriptures in the book such as Proverbs 3:5-6 (Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.) This happens to be one of my favorites and/or Proverbs 15:1 (A soft answer turns away wrath but grievous words stir up anger) another favorite. And who can forget the Virtuous Woman in Proverbs 31.


But why would God be leading me to read this whole book?, I mean outside of the scriptures I just named, I really hadn’t thought about dwelling on the book less known the verses. When I was given this instruction, I followed through for a couple of nights – in between dozing off and on, I quickly put it aside. During that week, I remember telling a couple of associates how I felt like God was leading me to read this whole book “Well, you have to be convinced of that yourself.” One of them said, but then I began to look at their lives and while they were in the church and followed God as I did, they didn’t have any instructions or orders from God telling them to do anything, that is when I began to feel really odd; like maybe God really didn’t tell me to do it – Maybe it was just me trying to convince my own self that God was setting me aside for whatever reason.

So, because God had not “called” my associates out to do something unordinary – I felt as if he really wasn’t calling me out to do anything either…I was totally wrong!!

When I didn’t obey the word of God, it seemed like everything but the kitchen sink was coming my way; every time I turned around some life crisis was happening or taking shape in my life – There were many things that came before me in which I surely needed council and wisdom to know how to handle, but because I disobeyed God and took the path of my associates – I was made to suffer the consequences for my “epic” fail.

Once I did a little research on what the book of Proverbs was all about, I found out that the book of Proverbs was a book of instruction, guidance and wisdom in which we all need in order to make major life decisions, it’s also a book in which I believe God wants us to read in order to live a life of purpose, structure and success. Although the verses may seem very ancient – their meanings and life lessons will help us navigate our own life into the ordered life in which God would like for us to have.directions

You see? God doesn’t allow you to take the same path as others. Each of us have something different that we need to work on and only God knows what that truly is. He may need you to read the book of Proverbs to build your wisdom skills while your friend or someone else may be going through a totally different process, God may have them in the book of Galatians – studying the Fruits of the Spirit because he knows that is what they need. When it comes to our lives, God is the only one whom truly knows what each of us will face and come in counter with, when he puts things in our spirits to do or to say, trust that it’s for a particular reason – After all, Father knows Best.

I have the bible app on my phone and within it contains reading plans – I usually do these because they keep me motivated and in tune with God and his word. As a matter of fact, I’m just about to finish a plan called Wait and See by Wendy Pope in which you can see here. It’s a 7 day plan in which I’m about finished with; so as I scrolled around to check on other plans I could indulge in – You wouldn’t guess what bible plan I just happened to stumble upon, Yes! “The Book Of Proverbs” – Okay, so five years later and God is still trying to get my attention with this book! So, my next plan is to read the book of Proverbs in which I’ve just recently started. So as you can see, if you fail the first time God has a way of bringing it right back around for you to complete the make-up test.

Just remember, your process is not going to be like someone else’s, Yes; we all may have the same experiences but we all follow different paths in how we go through those circumstances. Don’t become side-tracked if God didn’t tell your friend to volunteer at the local shelter but put it in your spirit to do so or God may be calling you to do something extraordinary that no one else is currently doing, The bible says “Today when you hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts.(Hebrews 4:7 NLT) don’t sit on what he has called you to do because it seems weird or unusual. God chose you and picked you out to carry through on a task that he knows your friends and/or your family is not equipped to do. He trusts you and he’s counting on you to make a difference. Not THEM, but YOU!



7 thoughts on “Serving the Same God, But Walking a Different Path.

  1. Reading the proverbs is the easy part. Interpreting and following the advice is the harder part. If only we all just read and live up to the advice in the conclusion of his wisdom of Ecclesiastes, the world would be a better place in my opinion.

    Add love advice from the New Testament of Jesus, and not only a better but a more pleasurable and happy life to live in our limited time.

    Regards and goodwill blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Scatterwisdom, Yes – Reading and Interpreting the Proverbs is hard; but what I’ve come to learn with reading it is asking God for an understanding of what I’m reading – If people really love the Lord as they proclaim, then following his guidelines outlined in Ecclesiastes or the New Testament won’t be hard; because you Love Him, you’ll be willing to do what he asks. What I’ve come to find out is that people really do love God, they just aren’t willing to obey him – in which leads to them ultimately doing what they want to do and not living a purposeful life, as God had originally intended for us to live and have. Thanks for reading the Blog and for commenting, I appreciate you.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Shanae!

      Girl, To God be the Glory – Yes, Proverbs is a very interesting book. So I printed off some study materials on yesterday because I don’t just want to read and since God brought me back here, I want to study it in it’s completeness, so I’ll know that I’m really getting what he wants us to get from it. Please keep in touch because I want to know how it’s going for you too. Do you have the bible app on your phone?.


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